Thursday, February 10, 2011


Been obsessed with them lately. Better than being obsessed with carrot cake. Oh my God, I want carrot cake. slkdfjldjfdslkfj. Eating carrots/celery/peppers right now and watching "I Used to Be Fat." I've become obsessed with weight loss shows/memoirs. "Biggest Loser," "Heavy," you name it...yep. And Jen Lancaster novels.

Had the veggie sub and chips today. Luckily, they read my mind and didn't give me many chips. Thank you :). And my stomach didn't get that "OH MY GOD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?" reaction that it sometimes gets when I eat the not-healthiest foods. It's not the worst thing I could eat...but...I obviously need to eat well the rest of the day. And I've walked most of the day and will walk later on tonight...soooo, yeah. Not worried. More importantly, it was so good to see my friend today. Hadn't seen her since like October. Such a crime :(. We HAVE to hang out more. I'm making it a point to see friends more. So, if you wanna hang out more, lemme know! She said she hardly recognized me, because I look so different. Pretty sweet. We had so much random stuff to talk about, and I loved every minute of it < 333.

I get to have lunch with Karina tomorrow--really excited! And don't worry--I'm eating a tofu salad AND I'm working out tomorrow morning too. haha.

Heading to the Pens game soon! Yaaaay. Bringing an apple and Atkin's bar for dinner. haha.

Sorry for all of the updates, but I'm lame.

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