Man, why do I watch such trashy TV shows? haha.
So, I don't have a lot of time right now, but I'll give a quick update.
My Spring Break was pretty boring, but I kinda wanted that. With school and work, it was nice to not have to do much. I had an essay to write and a Biochem exam to study for, but my brain needs to be exercised. haha. I also read a lot too, which I LOVE to do. And I cleaned.
Thursday and Friday, I got to OPEN at work. I went to the gym afterward both nights and did mostly cardio. Friday night, I went hard on the treadmill, and I felt so proud of myself :). I also ate really well. It was funny--I was the only girl on the treadmill, yet I was going the hardest. Granted, I was doing circuit-training, so I won't toot my own horn too much, but it was still awesome. And NO, they weren't all old men. haha.
I ate quinoa a lot last week. LOVE IT. It looks like so little, but it is so filling. I paired it with fibrous veggies (asparagus and peas one time, brussel sprouts another time, winter squash another time, etc) and some tofu meatballs and little sprinkles of tofu bacon. How can something so good and filling be so little in calories? Amazing.
Saturday, I also opened at work. I ate well during the day, because I was going to a party afterward. On my break, I even went grocery shopping! haha. I got all dressed up after work and headed to the party. I ate almost entirely vegetables (green beans, raw veggies), but I also indulged in a little pasta. I needed a bulky entree, because I hadn't eaten much that day.
The lady hosting the party made huge Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip cookies, and the cake had whipped icing and had a mango filling, and I couldn't have any, because of my Lent promise. DAMN. Everyone kept saying that I look great, and that I don't need to lose any more. It made me feel good, but I still do feel that I need to lose a couple pounds, then I'll be done. Promise. haha. I think it's because I have loose skin (as gross as it is to say) around my tummy, and I know it'll never fully go away, but I just wanna lose some weight and then tone. It's gotten substantially better than it was. I also want to tone my arms a little more and my thighs maybe a SMIDGE, but I'm pretty happy with my arms and thighs. And my back and shoulders are hot, I won't even lie. Pretty pumped about my calves too. haha. I was just really proud of my portion control, because I honestly could have eaten so much more, if I just gave in. But, I knew my cheat meal was coming up on Sunday ;).
Yesterday, I went to church, and then came home and got ready for the Pens game. I was going to go to the gym before the game, but my body was soooooore, and I'm finally starting to LISTEN to it and RESPOND ACCORDINGLY. haha. I knew I couldn't make it through a workout, I was just freaked about not working out the day of my "cheat meal." I'm such a lamer. haha. The game was AWESOME. Afterward, I went to Fuel 'N Fuddle for my "cheat meal" of the weak--a grilled mushroom sandwich and some nachos. Soooooooooooooo good. haha. I don't even feel guilty anymore, and I love it. I'm finally accepting my body, and it feels great. Like I said, I'd like to lose a little bit more, but I'm pretty happy right now. And, hate to sound narcissistic, but I love my face. I just really do. I'm not saying that I'm Gisele or anything, but I wouldn't change anything about it...except how sensitive my skin is, dammit.
This morning, I didn't freak out, like I usually would the day after a big meal. I ate my Kashi cereal, added some almonds and berries. That's like a snack within itself. Yum, love Kashi. Just finished class, and now I'm heading to the gym soon! Hoping for a good workout, since I let my body rest all weekend. It feels pretty good :). Then after that, I'm treating myself to a Coffee Tree Skinny Caramel Latte (because I anticipate doing a full body workout today--cardio/strength/core), and then work beckons.
Finished up my midterm essay last night, so I'm happy about that. Lots of Biochem studying will be occurring this week. And it's back to school-gym-work schedule. It was nice to not have to pack my entire meal every night for the whole day, but it's also nice to have a set schedule, because I'm constantly on the move. And back to more morning workouts! They suck at the very beginning, but they feel much better toward the end, and especially afterward :). haha. Morning workouts also means a Morningstar egg-cheese-"sausage" biscuit as a preworkout breakfast. Oh my God, so good.
I'm really excited for Thursday, because I will have taken my Biochem exam, and it's supposed to be 60 degrees, so instead of hanging out in the gym afterward, I'm going RUNNING OUTSIDE! Love it. Work out all of that stress. haha
Already planned half of my meals for the week. Looks like a lot of veggies, tofurkey, greek yogurt, quinoa, and tofu meatballs. haha. I'm also going to make a smoothie on Wednesday with almond milk, bananas, and Peanut Butter--I'm already so excited about it. Peanut butter is my viiiiice, man. And some falafel in a salad! I don't think I'm so excited about the food--I think it's more that I LOVE planning things. Post-It Notes are my best friend.
Alright, almost time to head out to the gym!
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