Sunday, April 10, 2011

Busy Bee!

I have been running around like a crazy person, thus explaining my lack of updates. I left off on March 31? Jeez. haha. Nothing crazy has really happened this past week, I guess. Just work, class, and the gym. I don't really know if I've lost any weight this week, but honestly...I don't think I want to lose any more weight. At church today, I was wearing a short dress...which I haven't done ever. Ever. I wore high heels too. And I looked damn good, I'm not going to even lie to you. I thought my legs were a little big, but I saw in my screen door that they look...good. Yep, I'm gonna brag about it. haha.

I bought size mediums at Free People, and they're a little loose. LOOSE. FREE PEOPLE. That's mind-boggling. haha. Mediums at Gap are a little big too. I was reading that it takes you a year to mentally realize the loss of ten pounds. In one year, I lost 80. That's 8 freaking years of "realization." No wonder I think I'm big sometimes. But, if I can basically wear a small at Urban Outfitters, Gap, and Free People...I obviously don't have much weight to lose, if any. I have loose skin, but that's gonna happen. I was too overweight :(. I am toning like a bitch, though. I won't lie--my arms are getting to look hot, Man. haha. It's my tummy I worry about most, and even that is getting much better. I'm starting to realize how pretty I am...I just want to be prettier on the inside, which is most important. I need to work on that. Furreal.

I've started a ritual of Sunday night whole wheat spaghetti and soy meatballs. My mom makes the soy meatballs from Morningstar Crumbles, and she adds her own little ingredients to the meatballs and she makes her own sauce. Oh my God, SO GOOD. I'd take that over Fuel 'n Fuddle and Coffee Tree aaaaany day. That's how good it is. She's Italian, so she knows what she's doing. haha. I eat half of it Sunday night, then I take the other half for lunch on Monday after my hardcore workout session. Gotta replenish those muscles with carbs and protein :).

Had an OChem Lab report and a Biochem exam last week. Neither were too bad. I didn't sleep much this past week, so it was kinda rough. haha.

I have been slowly replacing the total body trainer with more treadmill running and upper body strength training. I still use the total body trainer sometimes...and it still kicks my ass. But in a good way. haha. If I didn't burn 600 calories or more every session on that damn thing, I'd curse it. But, it does my body (especially my arms) good.

No cheat meal this past week--I was very good :). haha. The closest I got to one was my veggie bacon cheeseburger on an Arnold Whole Wheat sandwich thin. With brussel sprouts. So yum yum. I also made an almond milk smoothie with berries and natural peanut butter. If you ever have natural peanut butter, you'll never want that processed shit ever again. So good.

This week, I'm having a damn cheat meal. Tuesday, I'm planning Fuel 'N Fuddle after my lab. I burned like five bagillion calories this week and ate very well, so I don't feel guilty about it at all. Plus, it's the only day I don't have work.

Today is the first Sunday I haven't worked in a while. THANK GOD. The weather is gorgeous. I went shopping with my mom, and I got mostly produce (need my post-workout tomato and my pre-workout apple), and I got some Chobani, because it's the best thing ever.

This week, I only have a lab report due. Whew. I work almost every day too, so that means I can come home and go to bed, not having to worry about finishing a stupid lab report or studying for a lame exam.

Finals are in two weeks. Yeesh. I'm taking a Chem Lab in the summer, but it's only 6 weeks. I'm just excited for warm weather :). You best believe I'm buying myself some hot summer clothes. Woooooooooo.

Alright, time to work on this lab report and watch the Pens' final regular reason game. I'm going to Game 2, whenever that is (probably Saturday or Sunday). So exciting!

Just a side note: I had quinoa for lunch, and I just wanna say how much I love it. You can do so much with it. Today, I chopped up a tomato and some onion and put a little garlic powder in it, with some (frozen, not homemade) tofu meatballs, and a side of winter squash. Soooooooo satisfying and low cal!

I'm such a weirdo. haha.

Hope everyone is experiencing lovely weather too!


  1. Dude, I hear you. I'm terrified to wear tight fitting clothes, or anything sleeveless because I still think I look big.

    I've been slowly getting over it and actually wore shorts and a tank top to the gym, for the first time in my life.

    You look great from your pics, too bad I can't see you in person because you don't respond to text messages :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. and yes, I am re-posting again, because "Matthew" is my husband and I was logged in as him for some dang reason when I commented. ahahahaa! So here we go:

    "I'm starting to realize how pretty I am...I just want to be prettier on the inside, which is most important." ...oh my gosh, that made my heart melt. YOU are a rockstar, Kelly-O!

    hehe. That's bettah? ;)
