Watching "The Shining" right now. Seriously love this movie. Great novel too. Jack Nicholson=brilliant.
Sooooooo, to update y'all:
Last Saturday: Can't really remember it, to be honest. haha. I had a great workout (sweat a TON), went to work, then I went grocery shopping afterward.
Sunday: Easter! We went to church and then I pretty much loafed around the rest of the day, with some studying in between. haha. I ate pretty badly, but oh well. I ate really well before and after the holiday, and worked out like a dog. Cheesecake was low fat and DELISH. Love my mother < 3333. It was so nice to spend time with my family. I felt like a stuffed pig by the end of the night. I ate a ton of vegetables, though, so I'll contribute some of the stuffed-ness to fiber. haha.
Sunday was also the 1-year anniversary of my good friend, Matt's, death. He killed himself in Iraq. It was so hard, going to the funeral. We were really close. I miss him < 333. Being with my family helped a lot.
Monday morning's workout went pretty well! I knew I had to work out hard, because of Sunday's indulgences. I went home, because I'm done with classes. I've started mixing in bananas and berries in my GNC shake and it's amazing. AMAZING. I've also taken to eating sweet potatoes as a post-workout snack. So yum yum just plain. I studied for my History and Biochemistry finals the rest of the day. And had whole wheat spaghetti and soy meatballs for dinnerrrrrrrrrrrr. So good.
Tuesday was another 7 AM workout. It went pretty well! I also found out that I WON A NORDICTRACK INCLINE TRAINER X7I. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH SO EXCITED! Can't wait for it to come < 3333. That put me in a great mood. I took a bus into Oakland for my History final, took that, then I went to Trader Joe's to pick up a few things--basically just veggies. Dinner was the leftovers of my spaghetti :).
Wednesday was yet another 7 AM workout session. It also went well. Went home, and on my way home, I saw a skulk of baby foxes! Most precious thing ever. Made my day < 333. I had work later on, and it was also Game 7 of the Pens v Tampa Bay. The Pens lost, but I'm still proud of them, and I'm not too upset. You can't win 'em all, you know?
Thursday was ANOTHER 7 AM workout session. It went pretty well. Took a bus into Oakland to take my Biochem final. It actually went SO much better than I thought it would. I'm pretty optimistic about my grade! I was in a great mood afterward. I had my cheat meal--Burgatory. I've become obsessed with that place. Their veggie burgers are out of this world < 333.
Yesterday, I had yet another 7 AM gym session. I was a little tired, but it went pretty well. I went home afterward and cleaned around the house a little bit. I had to work at 5, and that was all well and good, I suppose. haha.
Today was my last 7 AM gym session of the week! It didn't go as well as I wanted it too, but my body was preeeetty tired. I worked from 9-6, and that went pretty quickly. I was constantly moving around and doing things, though, so that's probably why. I came home, ate dinner (big Mexican-type salad with spinach, black bean burger, avocado, peppers, onions, and mushrooms. SO GOOD.), and have been loafing around and watching "The Shining."
Tomorrow, I work from 10-7, then it's spaghetti tiiiiiime--best part of the week. haha.
Nothing too significant in terms of weight loss. I think I'm actually at my ideal weight, because even though I'm pushing myself, my body doesn't seem to want to lose any more. And my legs and arms are starting to get a little too small. I don't want to look sickly, you know?
Alright, I'm out of here. Bye, everyone!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Man, I love trashy MTV television.
Just re-lived Seasons 1-6 of "The Hills." Oh, nostalgia. haha.
So, to recap:
Friday: Pens game was fun, even though we lost. Crowd was lame, but whatev.
Saturday: Worked out at 7 AM, worked from 9-6, then went home and pretty much did nothing. haha. My parents went to a party and my brother was out with his friends, so I had the house to myself! It was nice to have some alone time. Fun times. haha.
Sunday: For the first time in a while, I didn't want to punch myself in the face, working on a Sunday. Customers were nice and I didn't work with annoying people. haha. The day was over before I knew it! It was a rest day, so no exercise, but I was on my feet all day. Came home and had my whole wheat spaghetti and soy meatballs :). So good, as always. Studied and all that fun stuff.
Monday: Class, then gym. Had my whole wheat spaghetti after a hard workout, then went to work. Work was alright--nothing special. haha.
Tuesday: 7 AM workout, then class, then I took my Organic Chem Lab final. Yeesh. haha. It was manageable, but I'm not entirely sure how I did on it. Then, I had my "cheat meal" of the week--Burgatory. I finally tried it! SO GOOD. Oh my Lord. Their veggie burger is homemade, not those lame frozen patties. They make it with mushrooms and lentils and...oh Lord, so good. They also make their fries with rosemary and thyme. Can't even express how good it was. Yum yum yummmm. Will definitely be eating there again :). Came home, cleaned my GROSS ASS bathroom, did some laundry. Yep. Good times.
Wednesday: Class, then gym. Coffee Tree, work. Yep, same old. Nothing special. Except a sweeeeeeeet Pens game. Thank you, James Neal, for the clutch goal < 3.
Thursday: 7 AM workout, Coffee Tree, class, then work. Yep. Last day of classes. Sad :(. haha. I start my summer lab on May 9,, not too long. Blegh.
Today (Friday): Woke up at 5:30 AM, worked out from 7:30-9, walked to Coffee Tree, went to church with my Pops, then came home and I've been studying Biochemistry since then. The final is on Thursday, and it's gonna be rooooooough, Man. I have a History final on Tuesday, but I'm not as worried about that final. My cheat meal is definitely happening after that damn Biochem final, that's for sure--I will have earned it. haha
Tomorrow, I'll be going to the gym around 9, then I work from 1-10, then I'll probably do a little bit of grocery shopping before bed. I also need to buy some more of those num num GNC Total Lean Shakes.
Sunday is Easter! I get to eat my first sweet in 40 days. Love love loooove it. What's my first sweet gonna be? Tune in later to find out. haha. I'm going to my Grandma's for Easter, and she usually makes cheesecake for Easter. Ooooh boy. haha.
My sister graduates in a little more than a month, and I'm going! Which means I'll be going to Savannah, Georgia. So excited. Georgia=gorgeous. And I can wear sleeveless stuff every day. haha.
Time to get back to studying! Studying on a Friday night--I'm crazy, Kids. haha.
PS. All the stuff from Free People fit. I can wear a size small in a lot of stuff. That's freaking CRAZY. A personal trainer at my gym said that I don't need to lose any more weight. That makes me feel so good :). I'm pretty much just toning at this point. wooooo.
So, to recap:
Friday: Pens game was fun, even though we lost. Crowd was lame, but whatev.
Saturday: Worked out at 7 AM, worked from 9-6, then went home and pretty much did nothing. haha. My parents went to a party and my brother was out with his friends, so I had the house to myself! It was nice to have some alone time. Fun times. haha.
Sunday: For the first time in a while, I didn't want to punch myself in the face, working on a Sunday. Customers were nice and I didn't work with annoying people. haha. The day was over before I knew it! It was a rest day, so no exercise, but I was on my feet all day. Came home and had my whole wheat spaghetti and soy meatballs :). So good, as always. Studied and all that fun stuff.
Monday: Class, then gym. Had my whole wheat spaghetti after a hard workout, then went to work. Work was alright--nothing special. haha.
Tuesday: 7 AM workout, then class, then I took my Organic Chem Lab final. Yeesh. haha. It was manageable, but I'm not entirely sure how I did on it. Then, I had my "cheat meal" of the week--Burgatory. I finally tried it! SO GOOD. Oh my Lord. Their veggie burger is homemade, not those lame frozen patties. They make it with mushrooms and lentils and...oh Lord, so good. They also make their fries with rosemary and thyme. Can't even express how good it was. Yum yum yummmm. Will definitely be eating there again :). Came home, cleaned my GROSS ASS bathroom, did some laundry. Yep. Good times.
Wednesday: Class, then gym. Coffee Tree, work. Yep, same old. Nothing special. Except a sweeeeeeeet Pens game. Thank you, James Neal, for the clutch goal < 3.
Thursday: 7 AM workout, Coffee Tree, class, then work. Yep. Last day of classes. Sad :(. haha. I start my summer lab on May 9,, not too long. Blegh.
Today (Friday): Woke up at 5:30 AM, worked out from 7:30-9, walked to Coffee Tree, went to church with my Pops, then came home and I've been studying Biochemistry since then. The final is on Thursday, and it's gonna be rooooooough, Man. I have a History final on Tuesday, but I'm not as worried about that final. My cheat meal is definitely happening after that damn Biochem final, that's for sure--I will have earned it. haha
Tomorrow, I'll be going to the gym around 9, then I work from 1-10, then I'll probably do a little bit of grocery shopping before bed. I also need to buy some more of those num num GNC Total Lean Shakes.
Sunday is Easter! I get to eat my first sweet in 40 days. Love love loooove it. What's my first sweet gonna be? Tune in later to find out. haha. I'm going to my Grandma's for Easter, and she usually makes cheesecake for Easter. Ooooh boy. haha.
My sister graduates in a little more than a month, and I'm going! Which means I'll be going to Savannah, Georgia. So excited. Georgia=gorgeous. And I can wear sleeveless stuff every day. haha.
Time to get back to studying! Studying on a Friday night--I'm crazy, Kids. haha.
PS. All the stuff from Free People fit. I can wear a size small in a lot of stuff. That's freaking CRAZY. A personal trainer at my gym said that I don't need to lose any more weight. That makes me feel so good :). I'm pretty much just toning at this point. wooooo.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Another week goes by...
Warm weather...ah, how I love thee.
This week FLEW. Sheesh. My week wasn't too eventful, but it was still great :).
Monday, I got up early, went to class...and it was canceled. haha. I was contemplating skipping that class anyway, but I guess God was on my side. Sweet deal. So, I got to go to the gym earlier. Worked out for almost 2 hours, then went to Coffee Tree for my reward (yummmm skinny latte), then I ate my whole wheat spaghetti and soy meatballs. OH MY GOD, SO GOOD. Better than any sweet on the planet. Seriously.
Speaking of sweets, haven't had one since the beginning of Lent, and I'm not too upset about it. Kinda proud of myself :).
Went to work, then I went home and crashed. I haven't been sleeping well, and I'm not entirely sure why. Monday night was another one of those nights. Laaaame. haha.
Tuesday was my off day. I finished my LAST OChem I Lab Report. Yes. I'm gonna miss my Lab instructor, though. He was kinda precious < 333. They had a "food day" for the last lab, and someone brought an oreo cake and a cheesecake. Jerks, I tell you. haha.
After the lab, I went to Fuel 'n Fuddle for my "cheat meal" of the week. So worth it. Num num num.
Later that night, I went to the grocery store and bought a lot of num nums, including the largest tomatoes I've ever seen in my life. haha.
Tuesday night, my stomach rebelled against me. I eat so well usually that a Fuel n Fuddle meal is almost toxic to my body now, I think. That's crazyyyy. I bounced back overnight, though, and was good for Wednesday.
I went to class, then I headed to the gym. Had another hardcore sweat session, then I headed to Coffee Tree (yet again) and then I had work. I came home, made my lunch for Thursday, and CRASHED.
Yesterday, I went to the gym at 7 AM. I thought I hated doing it, but I actually don't. When the weather is warm, I LOVE morning workouts. I dunno if that's weird or normal. I went to Coffee Tree afterward, then I headed to class. After class, I went to work early, had another coffee (I had calories to spare. haha), and then worked. Some jerko didn't show up (He's made it a habit these past couple weeks), so we were short-staffed aaaagain. It wasn't too bad, though. Endorphins make me a much more enjoyable person ;). Came home and crashed yet again!
This morning, I had another great 7 AM session, but it was longer, because I just didn't go to my recitation this morning. I hadn't missed one, and we didn't have anything due this, I was bad. Ooooh well. I walked down afterward, got my Coffee Tree, then I walked home. Which is where I am now. Using my Mio, I calculated that in addition to the 1350 calories I burned at the gym, I burned another 500 calories just in all my walking from the gym and home. And I have to make that trek again later. Ooooh Lord. haha. The weather is so beautiful, I just don't care.
Time to make some lunch! Tofu bacon black bean cheeseburger (on an Arnold Whole Wheat softwich) with brussel sprouts and baked beans. I can afford the carbs furreal. So excited!
So, my new favorite thing is nuking a Luna Bar. It makes them taste soooooooooo much better. My personal favorite is the Oatmeal Raisin nuked--taste just like the cookie! Yum yum.
I'm going to the Pens game tonight, and then another 7 AM workout tomorrow morning before work! Then, I do believe I'm taking off Sunday. Body needs some loving. And some whole wheat spaghetti with soy meatballs ;). Finals are coming up--gonna be crazy.
Lunch time!
PS. Should be getting a whoooooooooole bunch of cute clothes from Free People and Urban Outfitters in the next couple days. So pumped. May post pictures :). Enjoy the weather!
This week FLEW. Sheesh. My week wasn't too eventful, but it was still great :).
Monday, I got up early, went to class...and it was canceled. haha. I was contemplating skipping that class anyway, but I guess God was on my side. Sweet deal. So, I got to go to the gym earlier. Worked out for almost 2 hours, then went to Coffee Tree for my reward (yummmm skinny latte), then I ate my whole wheat spaghetti and soy meatballs. OH MY GOD, SO GOOD. Better than any sweet on the planet. Seriously.
Speaking of sweets, haven't had one since the beginning of Lent, and I'm not too upset about it. Kinda proud of myself :).
Went to work, then I went home and crashed. I haven't been sleeping well, and I'm not entirely sure why. Monday night was another one of those nights. Laaaame. haha.
Tuesday was my off day. I finished my LAST OChem I Lab Report. Yes. I'm gonna miss my Lab instructor, though. He was kinda precious < 333. They had a "food day" for the last lab, and someone brought an oreo cake and a cheesecake. Jerks, I tell you. haha.
After the lab, I went to Fuel 'n Fuddle for my "cheat meal" of the week. So worth it. Num num num.
Later that night, I went to the grocery store and bought a lot of num nums, including the largest tomatoes I've ever seen in my life. haha.
Tuesday night, my stomach rebelled against me. I eat so well usually that a Fuel n Fuddle meal is almost toxic to my body now, I think. That's crazyyyy. I bounced back overnight, though, and was good for Wednesday.
I went to class, then I headed to the gym. Had another hardcore sweat session, then I headed to Coffee Tree (yet again) and then I had work. I came home, made my lunch for Thursday, and CRASHED.
Yesterday, I went to the gym at 7 AM. I thought I hated doing it, but I actually don't. When the weather is warm, I LOVE morning workouts. I dunno if that's weird or normal. I went to Coffee Tree afterward, then I headed to class. After class, I went to work early, had another coffee (I had calories to spare. haha), and then worked. Some jerko didn't show up (He's made it a habit these past couple weeks), so we were short-staffed aaaagain. It wasn't too bad, though. Endorphins make me a much more enjoyable person ;). Came home and crashed yet again!
This morning, I had another great 7 AM session, but it was longer, because I just didn't go to my recitation this morning. I hadn't missed one, and we didn't have anything due this, I was bad. Ooooh well. I walked down afterward, got my Coffee Tree, then I walked home. Which is where I am now. Using my Mio, I calculated that in addition to the 1350 calories I burned at the gym, I burned another 500 calories just in all my walking from the gym and home. And I have to make that trek again later. Ooooh Lord. haha. The weather is so beautiful, I just don't care.
Time to make some lunch! Tofu bacon black bean cheeseburger (on an Arnold Whole Wheat softwich) with brussel sprouts and baked beans. I can afford the carbs furreal. So excited!
So, my new favorite thing is nuking a Luna Bar. It makes them taste soooooooooo much better. My personal favorite is the Oatmeal Raisin nuked--taste just like the cookie! Yum yum.
I'm going to the Pens game tonight, and then another 7 AM workout tomorrow morning before work! Then, I do believe I'm taking off Sunday. Body needs some loving. And some whole wheat spaghetti with soy meatballs ;). Finals are coming up--gonna be crazy.
Lunch time!
PS. Should be getting a whoooooooooole bunch of cute clothes from Free People and Urban Outfitters in the next couple days. So pumped. May post pictures :). Enjoy the weather!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Busy Bee!
I have been running around like a crazy person, thus explaining my lack of updates. I left off on March 31? Jeez. haha. Nothing crazy has really happened this past week, I guess. Just work, class, and the gym. I don't really know if I've lost any weight this week, but honestly...I don't think I want to lose any more weight. At church today, I was wearing a short dress...which I haven't done ever. Ever. I wore high heels too. And I looked damn good, I'm not going to even lie to you. I thought my legs were a little big, but I saw in my screen door that they look...good. Yep, I'm gonna brag about it. haha.
I bought size mediums at Free People, and they're a little loose. LOOSE. FREE PEOPLE. That's mind-boggling. haha. Mediums at Gap are a little big too. I was reading that it takes you a year to mentally realize the loss of ten pounds. In one year, I lost 80. That's 8 freaking years of "realization." No wonder I think I'm big sometimes. But, if I can basically wear a small at Urban Outfitters, Gap, and Free People...I obviously don't have much weight to lose, if any. I have loose skin, but that's gonna happen. I was too overweight :(. I am toning like a bitch, though. I won't lie--my arms are getting to look hot, Man. haha. It's my tummy I worry about most, and even that is getting much better. I'm starting to realize how pretty I am...I just want to be prettier on the inside, which is most important. I need to work on that. Furreal.
I've started a ritual of Sunday night whole wheat spaghetti and soy meatballs. My mom makes the soy meatballs from Morningstar Crumbles, and she adds her own little ingredients to the meatballs and she makes her own sauce. Oh my God, SO GOOD. I'd take that over Fuel 'n Fuddle and Coffee Tree aaaaany day. That's how good it is. She's Italian, so she knows what she's doing. haha. I eat half of it Sunday night, then I take the other half for lunch on Monday after my hardcore workout session. Gotta replenish those muscles with carbs and protein :).
Had an OChem Lab report and a Biochem exam last week. Neither were too bad. I didn't sleep much this past week, so it was kinda rough. haha.
I have been slowly replacing the total body trainer with more treadmill running and upper body strength training. I still use the total body trainer sometimes...and it still kicks my ass. But in a good way. haha. If I didn't burn 600 calories or more every session on that damn thing, I'd curse it. But, it does my body (especially my arms) good.
No cheat meal this past week--I was very good :). haha. The closest I got to one was my veggie bacon cheeseburger on an Arnold Whole Wheat sandwich thin. With brussel sprouts. So yum yum. I also made an almond milk smoothie with berries and natural peanut butter. If you ever have natural peanut butter, you'll never want that processed shit ever again. So good.
This week, I'm having a damn cheat meal. Tuesday, I'm planning Fuel 'N Fuddle after my lab. I burned like five bagillion calories this week and ate very well, so I don't feel guilty about it at all. Plus, it's the only day I don't have work.
Today is the first Sunday I haven't worked in a while. THANK GOD. The weather is gorgeous. I went shopping with my mom, and I got mostly produce (need my post-workout tomato and my pre-workout apple), and I got some Chobani, because it's the best thing ever.
This week, I only have a lab report due. Whew. I work almost every day too, so that means I can come home and go to bed, not having to worry about finishing a stupid lab report or studying for a lame exam.
Finals are in two weeks. Yeesh. I'm taking a Chem Lab in the summer, but it's only 6 weeks. I'm just excited for warm weather :). You best believe I'm buying myself some hot summer clothes. Woooooooooo.
Alright, time to work on this lab report and watch the Pens' final regular reason game. I'm going to Game 2, whenever that is (probably Saturday or Sunday). So exciting!
Just a side note: I had quinoa for lunch, and I just wanna say how much I love it. You can do so much with it. Today, I chopped up a tomato and some onion and put a little garlic powder in it, with some (frozen, not homemade) tofu meatballs, and a side of winter squash. Soooooooo satisfying and low cal!
I'm such a weirdo. haha.
Hope everyone is experiencing lovely weather too!
I bought size mediums at Free People, and they're a little loose. LOOSE. FREE PEOPLE. That's mind-boggling. haha. Mediums at Gap are a little big too. I was reading that it takes you a year to mentally realize the loss of ten pounds. In one year, I lost 80. That's 8 freaking years of "realization." No wonder I think I'm big sometimes. But, if I can basically wear a small at Urban Outfitters, Gap, and Free People...I obviously don't have much weight to lose, if any. I have loose skin, but that's gonna happen. I was too overweight :(. I am toning like a bitch, though. I won't lie--my arms are getting to look hot, Man. haha. It's my tummy I worry about most, and even that is getting much better. I'm starting to realize how pretty I am...I just want to be prettier on the inside, which is most important. I need to work on that. Furreal.
I've started a ritual of Sunday night whole wheat spaghetti and soy meatballs. My mom makes the soy meatballs from Morningstar Crumbles, and she adds her own little ingredients to the meatballs and she makes her own sauce. Oh my God, SO GOOD. I'd take that over Fuel 'n Fuddle and Coffee Tree aaaaany day. That's how good it is. She's Italian, so she knows what she's doing. haha. I eat half of it Sunday night, then I take the other half for lunch on Monday after my hardcore workout session. Gotta replenish those muscles with carbs and protein :).
Had an OChem Lab report and a Biochem exam last week. Neither were too bad. I didn't sleep much this past week, so it was kinda rough. haha.
I have been slowly replacing the total body trainer with more treadmill running and upper body strength training. I still use the total body trainer sometimes...and it still kicks my ass. But in a good way. haha. If I didn't burn 600 calories or more every session on that damn thing, I'd curse it. But, it does my body (especially my arms) good.
No cheat meal this past week--I was very good :). haha. The closest I got to one was my veggie bacon cheeseburger on an Arnold Whole Wheat sandwich thin. With brussel sprouts. So yum yum. I also made an almond milk smoothie with berries and natural peanut butter. If you ever have natural peanut butter, you'll never want that processed shit ever again. So good.
This week, I'm having a damn cheat meal. Tuesday, I'm planning Fuel 'N Fuddle after my lab. I burned like five bagillion calories this week and ate very well, so I don't feel guilty about it at all. Plus, it's the only day I don't have work.
Today is the first Sunday I haven't worked in a while. THANK GOD. The weather is gorgeous. I went shopping with my mom, and I got mostly produce (need my post-workout tomato and my pre-workout apple), and I got some Chobani, because it's the best thing ever.
This week, I only have a lab report due. Whew. I work almost every day too, so that means I can come home and go to bed, not having to worry about finishing a stupid lab report or studying for a lame exam.
Finals are in two weeks. Yeesh. I'm taking a Chem Lab in the summer, but it's only 6 weeks. I'm just excited for warm weather :). You best believe I'm buying myself some hot summer clothes. Woooooooooo.
Alright, time to work on this lab report and watch the Pens' final regular reason game. I'm going to Game 2, whenever that is (probably Saturday or Sunday). So exciting!
Just a side note: I had quinoa for lunch, and I just wanna say how much I love it. You can do so much with it. Today, I chopped up a tomato and some onion and put a little garlic powder in it, with some (frozen, not homemade) tofu meatballs, and a side of winter squash. Soooooooo satisfying and low cal!
I'm such a weirdo. haha.
Hope everyone is experiencing lovely weather too!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Hmmmmmmmmm..lemme see...
I left off at Friday, right? Yep.
Debate was fine. Meh. Whatever. haha.
Workout on Friday, I went balls to the wall. Burned so many calories, was sweaty as balls. Earned every last particle of that Fuel n Fuddle "Cheat Meal."
Got some Coffee Tree, because the carbs + protein soothe my sore muskels (I read that caffeine blocks adenosine receptors, which are known to cause pain. I think so. And because I'm a nerd, I know the structure of adenosine. Holla. haha).
Game was awesome. Got to see a Fleury shutout! Yaaaaay. And I got a lot of sweet pictures of Brodeur. win-win. Afterward, I got my cheat meal! I remember when I used to feel so guilty after eating meals that weren't entirely healthy. I don't feel it anymore. I think it's because I eat like a champ at literally every other meal. Nachos are a kryptonite for me--can't help it. haha
Saturday, I worked out before I went to work. Worked pretty hard, so I felt I earned a Skinny Caramel Latte :). I think the lattes help curb my sweets cravings, which is why my Lenten promise is not so difficult.
Work was fine, from what I can recall--nothing out of the ordinary. New cute boy has a girlfriend. Go figure. haha. You shouldn't date anyone at work, anyway. Baaaad idea.
Sunday, I worked. Oh. My. God. Sundays are TERRIBLE. It's always hella busy and the RUDEST people shop. I have people treat me like an idiot, when I really wanna say "Oh...I'm actually a Carnegie Mellon University graduate...Bitch." Ugh. haha. It was the longest day ever. Couldn't even take a lunch break. haha. Was SO glad for it to be over. At least the Pens played and they won :).
Afterward, I went to my grandma's house for my uncle's birthday dinner. I basically just ate veggies for dinner--eggplant, asparagus, salad. Yum. She made red Devil's Food Cake with cream cheese icing. That jerk. I actually wasn't that tempted to eat it, even though I LOVE red Devil's Food Cake. And my grandma makes the best kind :). My "Gibby" < 3.
Monday was the usual, only the bus schedule changed, so I now have to walk over a mile up a steep hill to even get to the gym to work out. I thought it'd be a huge hindrance in my stamina for cardio--however, it seems to be like an extra warmup! My cardio sessions have been BETTER this week than usual. Love it. And I feel great when I'm done. I've also been doing the erg more, and I freaking love it. Such a great full body workout. It's making me gain abs! woooo. haha. The personal trainers have been complimenting me, and that ALWAYS feels good.
Coffee Tree afterward, then work. Yeah, pretty standard.
Tuesday was my "off day," mainly because I had no time. I had class until 4 PM, then I went to the Pens game. They lost, but I still had fun.
Yesterday, I ALSO had off of work. It was glorious. I had class in the AM, then went to the gym, then I went grocery shopping for a couple things (seriously, why are almonds so freaking expensive?), and got my obligatory Skinny Caffe Caramel, which tasted even better than usual. Love it. I went home afterward, and then did some work and ate some yummy dinner--quinoa with my meatless meatballs and tofu bacon, with zucchini, yellow squash, onions, and mushrooms. Oh my God, SO GOOD.
Today, I have class until 12:15, then I'm heading to the gym, then I have work. Fun fun fun.
Tomorrow, I have to participate in YET another debate, then I'm going to the gym (see a pattern here? haha.), theeeeeeeeen I'm meeting a friend for coffee (where are we going? If you have to ask, you don't know me). I've known her for about 6 or 7 years. I met her through my best friend, Gen, and I haven't been seeing her, because I'm a bad friend :(. I'm buying her coffee, because it's the very least I can do. Afterward, I'm working on a CRAZY lab report due on Tuesday.'s Cheat Meal Time! Fuel n Fuddle...I'm a creature of habit, leave me alone.
This weekend is full of work, Biochemistry studying, and crazy lab report writing. Should be fun...yeeeeeah.
I'd rather be busy than bored, though.
Sidenote: Stepped on the scale this morning. 146 pounds. Dunno if that's right, but I ain't complaining :-D.
Alright, I'm outta here. Hope you all are well :). Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Debate was fine. Meh. Whatever. haha.
Workout on Friday, I went balls to the wall. Burned so many calories, was sweaty as balls. Earned every last particle of that Fuel n Fuddle "Cheat Meal."
Got some Coffee Tree, because the carbs + protein soothe my sore muskels (I read that caffeine blocks adenosine receptors, which are known to cause pain. I think so. And because I'm a nerd, I know the structure of adenosine. Holla. haha).
Game was awesome. Got to see a Fleury shutout! Yaaaaay. And I got a lot of sweet pictures of Brodeur. win-win. Afterward, I got my cheat meal! I remember when I used to feel so guilty after eating meals that weren't entirely healthy. I don't feel it anymore. I think it's because I eat like a champ at literally every other meal. Nachos are a kryptonite for me--can't help it. haha
Saturday, I worked out before I went to work. Worked pretty hard, so I felt I earned a Skinny Caramel Latte :). I think the lattes help curb my sweets cravings, which is why my Lenten promise is not so difficult.
Work was fine, from what I can recall--nothing out of the ordinary. New cute boy has a girlfriend. Go figure. haha. You shouldn't date anyone at work, anyway. Baaaad idea.
Sunday, I worked. Oh. My. God. Sundays are TERRIBLE. It's always hella busy and the RUDEST people shop. I have people treat me like an idiot, when I really wanna say "Oh...I'm actually a Carnegie Mellon University graduate...Bitch." Ugh. haha. It was the longest day ever. Couldn't even take a lunch break. haha. Was SO glad for it to be over. At least the Pens played and they won :).
Afterward, I went to my grandma's house for my uncle's birthday dinner. I basically just ate veggies for dinner--eggplant, asparagus, salad. Yum. She made red Devil's Food Cake with cream cheese icing. That jerk. I actually wasn't that tempted to eat it, even though I LOVE red Devil's Food Cake. And my grandma makes the best kind :). My "Gibby" < 3.
Monday was the usual, only the bus schedule changed, so I now have to walk over a mile up a steep hill to even get to the gym to work out. I thought it'd be a huge hindrance in my stamina for cardio--however, it seems to be like an extra warmup! My cardio sessions have been BETTER this week than usual. Love it. And I feel great when I'm done. I've also been doing the erg more, and I freaking love it. Such a great full body workout. It's making me gain abs! woooo. haha. The personal trainers have been complimenting me, and that ALWAYS feels good.
Coffee Tree afterward, then work. Yeah, pretty standard.
Tuesday was my "off day," mainly because I had no time. I had class until 4 PM, then I went to the Pens game. They lost, but I still had fun.
Yesterday, I ALSO had off of work. It was glorious. I had class in the AM, then went to the gym, then I went grocery shopping for a couple things (seriously, why are almonds so freaking expensive?), and got my obligatory Skinny Caffe Caramel, which tasted even better than usual. Love it. I went home afterward, and then did some work and ate some yummy dinner--quinoa with my meatless meatballs and tofu bacon, with zucchini, yellow squash, onions, and mushrooms. Oh my God, SO GOOD.
Today, I have class until 12:15, then I'm heading to the gym, then I have work. Fun fun fun.
Tomorrow, I have to participate in YET another debate, then I'm going to the gym (see a pattern here? haha.), theeeeeeeeen I'm meeting a friend for coffee (where are we going? If you have to ask, you don't know me). I've known her for about 6 or 7 years. I met her through my best friend, Gen, and I haven't been seeing her, because I'm a bad friend :(. I'm buying her coffee, because it's the very least I can do. Afterward, I'm working on a CRAZY lab report due on Tuesday.'s Cheat Meal Time! Fuel n Fuddle...I'm a creature of habit, leave me alone.
This weekend is full of work, Biochemistry studying, and crazy lab report writing. Should be fun...yeeeeeah.
I'd rather be busy than bored, though.
Sidenote: Stepped on the scale this morning. 146 pounds. Dunno if that's right, but I ain't complaining :-D.
Alright, I'm outta here. Hope you all are well :). Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Friday, March 25, 2011
I am happy. I am healthy. I am myself.
And I wouldn't want to be anyone else. Do you know how many times I've said that to myself?
I'm almost 145 pounds. I can't even...Jesus. I am damn proud of myself, and I'm gonna brag about it. Get over it :).
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a Penguins game to attend. They're winning, dammit. woooooooo.
I'm almost 145 pounds. I can't even...Jesus. I am damn proud of myself, and I'm gonna brag about it. Get over it :).
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a Penguins game to attend. They're winning, dammit. woooooooo.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
So, I finally have time to breathe and publish a post. haha.
Yeesh, this week was crazy.
Work has been hellish this week. I feel like that's all I've been doing. haha. Inventory is today, so we've been counting and sku-ing everything, and OF course, we've been busy as shit with soccer and baseballs season approaching. Sunday suuuuuuuuuuuucked. I was running around like a crazy person all day. Customers are the rudest on Sunday too :(. Was all too glad to be done with work that day. haha. The weather was gorgeous, and I reeeeeeeeeeeeeally wanted to run; however, I knew I needed a rest day for my body. My mommy made me vegetarian meatballs (soooooooooooo much better than the meatless meatballs I usually eat) with whole wheat pasta. If I could choose cheesecake or my mom's Boca meatballs, I would choose my mom's balls. Errytime. haha. Sooooooooooooo good and satisfying! The rest of the night was spent working on my stupid lab report.
Monday, I had class, then I headed to the gym. Taking Sunday off=best decision ever. My workout went SO well. Burned over 1300 calories! Was in such a great mood afterward. To top it off, I even had my leftover yummy spaghetti and meatballs instead of my usual Coffee Tree skinny latte. Then, I had to go to work. haha. Another shift of hell. I could hardly inventory anything, because customers were pulling me every which way for help. At least the Pens won!
Tuesday, I went to the gym first thing. Eh, it could have been worse, but it could have been better. After the gym, I walked to Coffee Tree, grabbed my obligatory latte, then off to class! Biochemistry was the usual, then I had lab. Uuuuuuuuuuugh, such a long Lab. I was so glad when we were done. haha. Once I got home, I showered, did laundry, and then made a yummy dinner--quinoa, meatless meatballs, tofu bacon, and asparagus. I also had some cauliflower, because I do what I want. haha.
Yesterday, I had class in the morning, then headed to the gym. Workout went pretty well. Did the treadmill instead of the total body trainer. I was sweating so badly after the treadmill. My arms were absolutely glistening. haha. After the gym, I headed to work. It blew. I didn't finish my inventory, because there was just TOO much left for me to do. Oh well. haha. We didn't get out of there until almost an hour later than usual. And I was so tiiiiiiiiiiiiired. But, the worst is over, Man. Thank God.
Right now, I'm just waiting for Biochemistry class, then I'm heading off to the gym. Theeeeeeeeen, work. But, it will be easy. And I'm working with Joel, the new kid--who's really cute, I won't lie. haha. And the Pens play, so that will make the night go more quickly!
So excited for tomorrow! I have a debate tomorrow morning, then I'm going to the gym, going home to get ready, then going to the Pens game! Feels like it's been forever since I've seen my boys. haha. Afterward, I'm grubbing on some Fuel n Fuddle, because nachos + mushroom sammich=sooooooooo good. I've been eating really well and been working out hard, so I don't feel guilty, dammit. NO WORK TOMORROW. Thank God.
Saturday, I work 1-close, so I'm going to the gym in the morning. I hope I'm off on Sunday. I've been working so much, and while it's nice to have money, I want some time to sit down and relax. And I have another debate and a quiz and a paper analysis due next week. Lame. haha.
Last night, my Urban Outfitters order came. The dresses=SO CUTE. The shirts are even a little big...and they're mediums. I am in shock, Man. Never thought I'd see the day :). I'm really getting comfortable in my own skin, and it makes me so happy. I know I have imperfections, but who doesn't? I'm not at my "goal weight," but I'm still content. Boys, come and get it. haha.
And Operation: Giving Up Sweets is going so well. I might be able to reach my goal weight by not eating sweets. I don't traditionally eat a lot of sweets, but yeah. I dunno....kinda motivating, I guess. haha. I've decided that my first sweet after Lent will be my mom's Peanut Butter Brownies. I'd marry them. The only time I get ragey is walking into Coffee Tree intially, and seeing all of the treats. So. Many. Good. Things. Carrot Cake, huge doughnuts, lady locks, etc.
Alright, it is so time for some Chobani. Yum yum. Bye!
PPS. Will try to post pictures of my Urban stuff later :). My Gap stuff should be coming today!
Work has been hellish this week. I feel like that's all I've been doing. haha. Inventory is today, so we've been counting and sku-ing everything, and OF course, we've been busy as shit with soccer and baseballs season approaching. Sunday suuuuuuuuuuuucked. I was running around like a crazy person all day. Customers are the rudest on Sunday too :(. Was all too glad to be done with work that day. haha. The weather was gorgeous, and I reeeeeeeeeeeeeally wanted to run; however, I knew I needed a rest day for my body. My mommy made me vegetarian meatballs (soooooooooooo much better than the meatless meatballs I usually eat) with whole wheat pasta. If I could choose cheesecake or my mom's Boca meatballs, I would choose my mom's balls. Errytime. haha. Sooooooooooooo good and satisfying! The rest of the night was spent working on my stupid lab report.
Monday, I had class, then I headed to the gym. Taking Sunday off=best decision ever. My workout went SO well. Burned over 1300 calories! Was in such a great mood afterward. To top it off, I even had my leftover yummy spaghetti and meatballs instead of my usual Coffee Tree skinny latte. Then, I had to go to work. haha. Another shift of hell. I could hardly inventory anything, because customers were pulling me every which way for help. At least the Pens won!
Tuesday, I went to the gym first thing. Eh, it could have been worse, but it could have been better. After the gym, I walked to Coffee Tree, grabbed my obligatory latte, then off to class! Biochemistry was the usual, then I had lab. Uuuuuuuuuuugh, such a long Lab. I was so glad when we were done. haha. Once I got home, I showered, did laundry, and then made a yummy dinner--quinoa, meatless meatballs, tofu bacon, and asparagus. I also had some cauliflower, because I do what I want. haha.
Yesterday, I had class in the morning, then headed to the gym. Workout went pretty well. Did the treadmill instead of the total body trainer. I was sweating so badly after the treadmill. My arms were absolutely glistening. haha. After the gym, I headed to work. It blew. I didn't finish my inventory, because there was just TOO much left for me to do. Oh well. haha. We didn't get out of there until almost an hour later than usual. And I was so tiiiiiiiiiiiiired. But, the worst is over, Man. Thank God.
Right now, I'm just waiting for Biochemistry class, then I'm heading off to the gym. Theeeeeeeeen, work. But, it will be easy. And I'm working with Joel, the new kid--who's really cute, I won't lie. haha. And the Pens play, so that will make the night go more quickly!
So excited for tomorrow! I have a debate tomorrow morning, then I'm going to the gym, going home to get ready, then going to the Pens game! Feels like it's been forever since I've seen my boys. haha. Afterward, I'm grubbing on some Fuel n Fuddle, because nachos + mushroom sammich=sooooooooo good. I've been eating really well and been working out hard, so I don't feel guilty, dammit. NO WORK TOMORROW. Thank God.
Saturday, I work 1-close, so I'm going to the gym in the morning. I hope I'm off on Sunday. I've been working so much, and while it's nice to have money, I want some time to sit down and relax. And I have another debate and a quiz and a paper analysis due next week. Lame. haha.
Last night, my Urban Outfitters order came. The dresses=SO CUTE. The shirts are even a little big...and they're mediums. I am in shock, Man. Never thought I'd see the day :). I'm really getting comfortable in my own skin, and it makes me so happy. I know I have imperfections, but who doesn't? I'm not at my "goal weight," but I'm still content. Boys, come and get it. haha.
And Operation: Giving Up Sweets is going so well. I might be able to reach my goal weight by not eating sweets. I don't traditionally eat a lot of sweets, but yeah. I dunno....kinda motivating, I guess. haha. I've decided that my first sweet after Lent will be my mom's Peanut Butter Brownies. I'd marry them. The only time I get ragey is walking into Coffee Tree intially, and seeing all of the treats. So. Many. Good. Things. Carrot Cake, huge doughnuts, lady locks, etc.
Alright, it is so time for some Chobani. Yum yum. Bye!
PPS. Will try to post pictures of my Urban stuff later :). My Gap stuff should be coming today!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Laguna Beach is on Hulu. YES.
This past week was a whirlwind--it went so quickly. Crazy.
Monday, I had class, then I headed to the gym. Afterward, I had my skinny latte, then headed to work until 10.
Tuesday, I worked out at 7 AM, then, I walked to Coffee Tree, got my skinny latte, and headed to class. Chem Lab BLEW this past week. It started off so well, because I got my lab report back, and I got an A on it! Then, we started the lab for this week, and everyone paired off, except for me. haha. Story of my life. I'd rather work alone, anyway, just because working with other people slows you down sometimes, ya know? Well, it took me forev to get everything started, and then water spilled aaaaall over me. Then, I got a low yield, and I was nervous that my experiment would turn out all shoddy. However, we took the IR (to confirm the presence of product), and the instructor said my IR was "flawless," so that made all my (annoyingly) hard work in vain. haha.
After that, I went to the grocery store to get my yummy groceries! I've been eating a lot of quinoa with tofu meatballs and veggies lately. So good and so filling.
Wednesday was another 7 AM workout. Afterward, I didn't have time for my latte :(. haha. I went to class, then realized I had some extra time before the bus came, so I took the bus to Squirrel Hill to THAT Coffee Tree, grabbed my latte, then decided to walk to the bus stop, just to pass the time. And the weather was pretty nice, so why not? Once I got home, I studied Biochemistry like a fiend for my exam the next day. I made my yummy vegetarian black bean bacon cheeseburger with some brussel sprouts, and a snack of almond milk smoothie with a scoop of peanut butter and some mixed berries. Oh. My. God. SO GOOD.
Then, my mother decided to make pierogies. I thought I wouldn't need to partake in them...but, I lied to myself. But I didn't feel that guilty, because I've been working out like a fiend and I have been eating well. And they were worth it. So yum yum. I ate a few of them with a salad. Salsa is my dressing of choice, because it's basically tomato, and it has so much flavor already.
My Urban Outfitters clothes came, and they're so gorgeous. It's so nice to try on things and have them either fit or be too big :).
Thursday, the morning did not begin well--and I didn't have my coffee! haha. I got some Starbucks in Oakland (blegh. BLEGH.), then walked to campus to study. I took my exam and it went REALLY well! I'm hoping for a B at the very least. There was a lot of information on it, but I pride myself on being able to memorize copious amounts of information. Holla. haha. I was in such a good mood after that too, because the weather was gorgeous and the exam was done. And I knew I was gonna run outside, which I was SO excited about. I circuit-trained, I guess you could say, almost 8 miles through Fox Chapel. haha. Afterward, I went back and worked on abs and then did strength training for my arms. Showered and everything, then headed to Coffee Tree, then work.
Friday, I had class in the morning, then headed to the gym. I wanted to run outside again, because it was so gorgeous, but my hamstrings said no. Soooo, I worked out indoors and headed to Coffee Tree (yet again), read for a little, did a little grocery shopping, then went to work. Came home, worked a little on my lab report due this Tuesday, then went to bed.
Yesterday, I woke up early, worked on my lab report, then I went to the gym at 9:30. Worked out for about 90 minutes, had my yummy Coffee Tree, then went home and got ready for work. Work actually went really quickly, despite it being a crazy Saturday. On my lunch break, I went outside with my bag o' veggies and read. It was loverly. Listened to Pitt Men's Basketball's heartbreaking loss, then I got home and worked on my lab report.
Today, I'm going to work on my lab report for a little, then head to work until 6ish, theeeeen come home and work on my lab report some more! My life is so exciting. haha. I think I'm having yummy whole wheat pasta for dinner tonight, though, so I'm excited for that. I've been eating a lot of tofurkey and veggies lately. Also, I've taken to nuking Luna bars for a couple seconds as a "treat" already integrated in my meal plan as good carbs and protein. Sooooooooooo good.
Giving up sweets hasn't been too good. Except Coffee Tree always has amazing things, like bear claws as big as your head, mapley sugar doughnuts, carrot cake, devil's food cake, mini mud pies, etc. They look so good. But, I'm pretty content with my sugar free latte. I'm lame, I know. haha.
I hope this week goes quickly, because I'm going to the Pens game at the end of the week! So excited. I'm also having my cheat meal on Friday too--Fuel 'N Fuddle. Again :). Until then, it's a lot of tofurkey, veggies, and Organic Chemistry and History homework. Fun fun.
Alright, back to my Chem lab report! Hope you're all enjoying the weather where you are, because I sure am.
PS. Stepped on the scale this morning. 148 pounds. If that's right, I'm peeing myself :))))).
PPS. Ordered some stuff from Urban and Gap that are SUPER cute. Can't wait for them to come later this week! Pictures, if they look good on me. haha.
Monday, I had class, then I headed to the gym. Afterward, I had my skinny latte, then headed to work until 10.
Tuesday, I worked out at 7 AM, then, I walked to Coffee Tree, got my skinny latte, and headed to class. Chem Lab BLEW this past week. It started off so well, because I got my lab report back, and I got an A on it! Then, we started the lab for this week, and everyone paired off, except for me. haha. Story of my life. I'd rather work alone, anyway, just because working with other people slows you down sometimes, ya know? Well, it took me forev to get everything started, and then water spilled aaaaall over me. Then, I got a low yield, and I was nervous that my experiment would turn out all shoddy. However, we took the IR (to confirm the presence of product), and the instructor said my IR was "flawless," so that made all my (annoyingly) hard work in vain. haha.
After that, I went to the grocery store to get my yummy groceries! I've been eating a lot of quinoa with tofu meatballs and veggies lately. So good and so filling.
Wednesday was another 7 AM workout. Afterward, I didn't have time for my latte :(. haha. I went to class, then realized I had some extra time before the bus came, so I took the bus to Squirrel Hill to THAT Coffee Tree, grabbed my latte, then decided to walk to the bus stop, just to pass the time. And the weather was pretty nice, so why not? Once I got home, I studied Biochemistry like a fiend for my exam the next day. I made my yummy vegetarian black bean bacon cheeseburger with some brussel sprouts, and a snack of almond milk smoothie with a scoop of peanut butter and some mixed berries. Oh. My. God. SO GOOD.
Then, my mother decided to make pierogies. I thought I wouldn't need to partake in them...but, I lied to myself. But I didn't feel that guilty, because I've been working out like a fiend and I have been eating well. And they were worth it. So yum yum. I ate a few of them with a salad. Salsa is my dressing of choice, because it's basically tomato, and it has so much flavor already.
My Urban Outfitters clothes came, and they're so gorgeous. It's so nice to try on things and have them either fit or be too big :).
Thursday, the morning did not begin well--and I didn't have my coffee! haha. I got some Starbucks in Oakland (blegh. BLEGH.), then walked to campus to study. I took my exam and it went REALLY well! I'm hoping for a B at the very least. There was a lot of information on it, but I pride myself on being able to memorize copious amounts of information. Holla. haha. I was in such a good mood after that too, because the weather was gorgeous and the exam was done. And I knew I was gonna run outside, which I was SO excited about. I circuit-trained, I guess you could say, almost 8 miles through Fox Chapel. haha. Afterward, I went back and worked on abs and then did strength training for my arms. Showered and everything, then headed to Coffee Tree, then work.
Friday, I had class in the morning, then headed to the gym. I wanted to run outside again, because it was so gorgeous, but my hamstrings said no. Soooo, I worked out indoors and headed to Coffee Tree (yet again), read for a little, did a little grocery shopping, then went to work. Came home, worked a little on my lab report due this Tuesday, then went to bed.
Yesterday, I woke up early, worked on my lab report, then I went to the gym at 9:30. Worked out for about 90 minutes, had my yummy Coffee Tree, then went home and got ready for work. Work actually went really quickly, despite it being a crazy Saturday. On my lunch break, I went outside with my bag o' veggies and read. It was loverly. Listened to Pitt Men's Basketball's heartbreaking loss, then I got home and worked on my lab report.
Today, I'm going to work on my lab report for a little, then head to work until 6ish, theeeeen come home and work on my lab report some more! My life is so exciting. haha. I think I'm having yummy whole wheat pasta for dinner tonight, though, so I'm excited for that. I've been eating a lot of tofurkey and veggies lately. Also, I've taken to nuking Luna bars for a couple seconds as a "treat" already integrated in my meal plan as good carbs and protein. Sooooooooooo good.
Giving up sweets hasn't been too good. Except Coffee Tree always has amazing things, like bear claws as big as your head, mapley sugar doughnuts, carrot cake, devil's food cake, mini mud pies, etc. They look so good. But, I'm pretty content with my sugar free latte. I'm lame, I know. haha.
I hope this week goes quickly, because I'm going to the Pens game at the end of the week! So excited. I'm also having my cheat meal on Friday too--Fuel 'N Fuddle. Again :). Until then, it's a lot of tofurkey, veggies, and Organic Chemistry and History homework. Fun fun.
Alright, back to my Chem lab report! Hope you're all enjoying the weather where you are, because I sure am.
PS. Stepped on the scale this morning. 148 pounds. If that's right, I'm peeing myself :))))).
PPS. Ordered some stuff from Urban and Gap that are SUPER cute. Can't wait for them to come later this week! Pictures, if they look good on me. haha.
Monday, March 14, 2011
"You're Cut Off."
Man, why do I watch such trashy TV shows? haha.
So, I don't have a lot of time right now, but I'll give a quick update.
My Spring Break was pretty boring, but I kinda wanted that. With school and work, it was nice to not have to do much. I had an essay to write and a Biochem exam to study for, but my brain needs to be exercised. haha. I also read a lot too, which I LOVE to do. And I cleaned.
Thursday and Friday, I got to OPEN at work. I went to the gym afterward both nights and did mostly cardio. Friday night, I went hard on the treadmill, and I felt so proud of myself :). I also ate really well. It was funny--I was the only girl on the treadmill, yet I was going the hardest. Granted, I was doing circuit-training, so I won't toot my own horn too much, but it was still awesome. And NO, they weren't all old men. haha.
I ate quinoa a lot last week. LOVE IT. It looks like so little, but it is so filling. I paired it with fibrous veggies (asparagus and peas one time, brussel sprouts another time, winter squash another time, etc) and some tofu meatballs and little sprinkles of tofu bacon. How can something so good and filling be so little in calories? Amazing.
Saturday, I also opened at work. I ate well during the day, because I was going to a party afterward. On my break, I even went grocery shopping! haha. I got all dressed up after work and headed to the party. I ate almost entirely vegetables (green beans, raw veggies), but I also indulged in a little pasta. I needed a bulky entree, because I hadn't eaten much that day.
The lady hosting the party made huge Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip cookies, and the cake had whipped icing and had a mango filling, and I couldn't have any, because of my Lent promise. DAMN. Everyone kept saying that I look great, and that I don't need to lose any more. It made me feel good, but I still do feel that I need to lose a couple pounds, then I'll be done. Promise. haha. I think it's because I have loose skin (as gross as it is to say) around my tummy, and I know it'll never fully go away, but I just wanna lose some weight and then tone. It's gotten substantially better than it was. I also want to tone my arms a little more and my thighs maybe a SMIDGE, but I'm pretty happy with my arms and thighs. And my back and shoulders are hot, I won't even lie. Pretty pumped about my calves too. haha. I was just really proud of my portion control, because I honestly could have eaten so much more, if I just gave in. But, I knew my cheat meal was coming up on Sunday ;).
Yesterday, I went to church, and then came home and got ready for the Pens game. I was going to go to the gym before the game, but my body was soooooore, and I'm finally starting to LISTEN to it and RESPOND ACCORDINGLY. haha. I knew I couldn't make it through a workout, I was just freaked about not working out the day of my "cheat meal." I'm such a lamer. haha. The game was AWESOME. Afterward, I went to Fuel 'N Fuddle for my "cheat meal" of the weak--a grilled mushroom sandwich and some nachos. Soooooooooooooo good. haha. I don't even feel guilty anymore, and I love it. I'm finally accepting my body, and it feels great. Like I said, I'd like to lose a little bit more, but I'm pretty happy right now. And, hate to sound narcissistic, but I love my face. I just really do. I'm not saying that I'm Gisele or anything, but I wouldn't change anything about it...except how sensitive my skin is, dammit.
This morning, I didn't freak out, like I usually would the day after a big meal. I ate my Kashi cereal, added some almonds and berries. That's like a snack within itself. Yum, love Kashi. Just finished class, and now I'm heading to the gym soon! Hoping for a good workout, since I let my body rest all weekend. It feels pretty good :). Then after that, I'm treating myself to a Coffee Tree Skinny Caramel Latte (because I anticipate doing a full body workout today--cardio/strength/core), and then work beckons.
Finished up my midterm essay last night, so I'm happy about that. Lots of Biochem studying will be occurring this week. And it's back to school-gym-work schedule. It was nice to not have to pack my entire meal every night for the whole day, but it's also nice to have a set schedule, because I'm constantly on the move. And back to more morning workouts! They suck at the very beginning, but they feel much better toward the end, and especially afterward :). haha. Morning workouts also means a Morningstar egg-cheese-"sausage" biscuit as a preworkout breakfast. Oh my God, so good.
I'm really excited for Thursday, because I will have taken my Biochem exam, and it's supposed to be 60 degrees, so instead of hanging out in the gym afterward, I'm going RUNNING OUTSIDE! Love it. Work out all of that stress. haha
Already planned half of my meals for the week. Looks like a lot of veggies, tofurkey, greek yogurt, quinoa, and tofu meatballs. haha. I'm also going to make a smoothie on Wednesday with almond milk, bananas, and Peanut Butter--I'm already so excited about it. Peanut butter is my viiiiice, man. And some falafel in a salad! I don't think I'm so excited about the food--I think it's more that I LOVE planning things. Post-It Notes are my best friend.
Alright, almost time to head out to the gym!
So, I don't have a lot of time right now, but I'll give a quick update.
My Spring Break was pretty boring, but I kinda wanted that. With school and work, it was nice to not have to do much. I had an essay to write and a Biochem exam to study for, but my brain needs to be exercised. haha. I also read a lot too, which I LOVE to do. And I cleaned.
Thursday and Friday, I got to OPEN at work. I went to the gym afterward both nights and did mostly cardio. Friday night, I went hard on the treadmill, and I felt so proud of myself :). I also ate really well. It was funny--I was the only girl on the treadmill, yet I was going the hardest. Granted, I was doing circuit-training, so I won't toot my own horn too much, but it was still awesome. And NO, they weren't all old men. haha.
I ate quinoa a lot last week. LOVE IT. It looks like so little, but it is so filling. I paired it with fibrous veggies (asparagus and peas one time, brussel sprouts another time, winter squash another time, etc) and some tofu meatballs and little sprinkles of tofu bacon. How can something so good and filling be so little in calories? Amazing.
Saturday, I also opened at work. I ate well during the day, because I was going to a party afterward. On my break, I even went grocery shopping! haha. I got all dressed up after work and headed to the party. I ate almost entirely vegetables (green beans, raw veggies), but I also indulged in a little pasta. I needed a bulky entree, because I hadn't eaten much that day.
The lady hosting the party made huge Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip cookies, and the cake had whipped icing and had a mango filling, and I couldn't have any, because of my Lent promise. DAMN. Everyone kept saying that I look great, and that I don't need to lose any more. It made me feel good, but I still do feel that I need to lose a couple pounds, then I'll be done. Promise. haha. I think it's because I have loose skin (as gross as it is to say) around my tummy, and I know it'll never fully go away, but I just wanna lose some weight and then tone. It's gotten substantially better than it was. I also want to tone my arms a little more and my thighs maybe a SMIDGE, but I'm pretty happy with my arms and thighs. And my back and shoulders are hot, I won't even lie. Pretty pumped about my calves too. haha. I was just really proud of my portion control, because I honestly could have eaten so much more, if I just gave in. But, I knew my cheat meal was coming up on Sunday ;).
Yesterday, I went to church, and then came home and got ready for the Pens game. I was going to go to the gym before the game, but my body was soooooore, and I'm finally starting to LISTEN to it and RESPOND ACCORDINGLY. haha. I knew I couldn't make it through a workout, I was just freaked about not working out the day of my "cheat meal." I'm such a lamer. haha. The game was AWESOME. Afterward, I went to Fuel 'N Fuddle for my "cheat meal" of the weak--a grilled mushroom sandwich and some nachos. Soooooooooooooo good. haha. I don't even feel guilty anymore, and I love it. I'm finally accepting my body, and it feels great. Like I said, I'd like to lose a little bit more, but I'm pretty happy right now. And, hate to sound narcissistic, but I love my face. I just really do. I'm not saying that I'm Gisele or anything, but I wouldn't change anything about it...except how sensitive my skin is, dammit.
This morning, I didn't freak out, like I usually would the day after a big meal. I ate my Kashi cereal, added some almonds and berries. That's like a snack within itself. Yum, love Kashi. Just finished class, and now I'm heading to the gym soon! Hoping for a good workout, since I let my body rest all weekend. It feels pretty good :). Then after that, I'm treating myself to a Coffee Tree Skinny Caramel Latte (because I anticipate doing a full body workout today--cardio/strength/core), and then work beckons.
Finished up my midterm essay last night, so I'm happy about that. Lots of Biochem studying will be occurring this week. And it's back to school-gym-work schedule. It was nice to not have to pack my entire meal every night for the whole day, but it's also nice to have a set schedule, because I'm constantly on the move. And back to more morning workouts! They suck at the very beginning, but they feel much better toward the end, and especially afterward :). haha. Morning workouts also means a Morningstar egg-cheese-"sausage" biscuit as a preworkout breakfast. Oh my God, so good.
I'm really excited for Thursday, because I will have taken my Biochem exam, and it's supposed to be 60 degrees, so instead of hanging out in the gym afterward, I'm going RUNNING OUTSIDE! Love it. Work out all of that stress. haha
Already planned half of my meals for the week. Looks like a lot of veggies, tofurkey, greek yogurt, quinoa, and tofu meatballs. haha. I'm also going to make a smoothie on Wednesday with almond milk, bananas, and Peanut Butter--I'm already so excited about it. Peanut butter is my viiiiice, man. And some falafel in a salad! I don't think I'm so excited about the food--I think it's more that I LOVE planning things. Post-It Notes are my best friend.
Alright, almost time to head out to the gym!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
I know I just updated yesterday, but I HAD to update < 3.
Soooooooo, yesterday was great. Excellent. Amazing.
I woke up early (seriously cannot sleep past 7 AM ever ever. haha), ate my Luna bar and some berries and coffee before my workout. Theeeeen, I did a hardcore cardio workout for 70 minutes (40 on the treadmill--circuit training, 30 minutes on the arc trainer). It was funny--I was on the treadmill with all men, yet I was the one going the hardest. Hate to brag, but...holla. My heart rate stayed in the upper 160s/170s the whole time, pretty much, so that's awesome.
Came home, showered, got the best treat ever (Coffee Tree Skinny Caramel Latte), then went to my haircut. I missed Diana (my hairdresser) sooooooooo much. I know people say they have a special kinship with their hairdresser, but Diana is like a family friend furreal. She has MS (was misdiagnosed for years...STILL makes me angry), and it breaks my heart to see her still working so hard, even though she's in pain. I love her and how she makes me feel. She always tells me I'm beautiful and makes sure to overlyemphasize it. She hadn't seen me since August (yeah, it had been that long since my last haircut. Yikes. haha), and she was shocked. She couldn't get over it. We talk about anything and everything, and she's only 31, so she's pretty "hip," if you will. haha. She has two gorgeous kids, a presh husband, and an ADORABLE 2-year-old Golden Retriever. She works from home to accommodate her MS, and she seems to be happy, despite her medical ailments. I hope and pray for the best for her, because she's a wonderful person who works so hard and deserves everything great she receives. She gave me a cutesy haircut and we bullshitted more than we actually spent time doing the actual haircut. haha. I seriously love her.
After that, it was off to my gyne appointment. I was nervous, because I hadn't had a period since like November or so...waaaaay too long. She gave me a prescription and hopefully I get my period in the next few weeks. Nervous :/. My resting heart rate is 50 (ummmmmm, so low. haha), and my BP is 105/74, I do believe. The doc said that's great :). Soooo yeah. I'm just hoping that everything else goes well. I know this is lame, but immediately when she said I had to take a hormone, I thought "I hope it doesn't make me gain weight." Ugh, I'm incorrigible.
Then, it was Gullifty's Time! I had a plain old salad, the Mediterranean Eggplant Melt (four pieces of eggplant underneath a melange of artichokes, olives, zucchini, and some parm and mozzarella cheeses. It came with garlic bread, but I gave that to my mommy. haha. The carrot cake was....orgasmic. I think my mouth actually exploded. That's the last sweet for 40 days! I can do this. haha. I picked the PERFECT sweet. Yum yum yum.
Mom and I talked about a bunch of stuff, and I'm starting to realize that I'm at a really great weight right now, and I just need to maintain (I would rather lose a couple more pounds, but if I don't, it's definitely not the end of the world). I seriously love my mother to death.
I went to church later that night with my dad for Ash Wednesday. We found out that a classmate of my brother's died this past week. So sad. It made me realize that life is short and precious. I was so shocked.
Afterward, we went home and had veggie frittatas. Yum yum yummmmm.
Yesterday was such a great day < 3333.
Today, I have work, then I'm heading to the gym. Spring Break is almost over. Noooooo. I need to get this essay together and study for my Biochem exam. haha.
Alright, work beckons. Byeeee.
I woke up early (seriously cannot sleep past 7 AM ever ever. haha), ate my Luna bar and some berries and coffee before my workout. Theeeeen, I did a hardcore cardio workout for 70 minutes (40 on the treadmill--circuit training, 30 minutes on the arc trainer). It was funny--I was on the treadmill with all men, yet I was the one going the hardest. Hate to brag, but...holla. My heart rate stayed in the upper 160s/170s the whole time, pretty much, so that's awesome.
Came home, showered, got the best treat ever (Coffee Tree Skinny Caramel Latte), then went to my haircut. I missed Diana (my hairdresser) sooooooooo much. I know people say they have a special kinship with their hairdresser, but Diana is like a family friend furreal. She has MS (was misdiagnosed for years...STILL makes me angry), and it breaks my heart to see her still working so hard, even though she's in pain. I love her and how she makes me feel. She always tells me I'm beautiful and makes sure to overlyemphasize it. She hadn't seen me since August (yeah, it had been that long since my last haircut. Yikes. haha), and she was shocked. She couldn't get over it. We talk about anything and everything, and she's only 31, so she's pretty "hip," if you will. haha. She has two gorgeous kids, a presh husband, and an ADORABLE 2-year-old Golden Retriever. She works from home to accommodate her MS, and she seems to be happy, despite her medical ailments. I hope and pray for the best for her, because she's a wonderful person who works so hard and deserves everything great she receives. She gave me a cutesy haircut and we bullshitted more than we actually spent time doing the actual haircut. haha. I seriously love her.
After that, it was off to my gyne appointment. I was nervous, because I hadn't had a period since like November or so...waaaaay too long. She gave me a prescription and hopefully I get my period in the next few weeks. Nervous :/. My resting heart rate is 50 (ummmmmm, so low. haha), and my BP is 105/74, I do believe. The doc said that's great :). Soooo yeah. I'm just hoping that everything else goes well. I know this is lame, but immediately when she said I had to take a hormone, I thought "I hope it doesn't make me gain weight." Ugh, I'm incorrigible.
Then, it was Gullifty's Time! I had a plain old salad, the Mediterranean Eggplant Melt (four pieces of eggplant underneath a melange of artichokes, olives, zucchini, and some parm and mozzarella cheeses. It came with garlic bread, but I gave that to my mommy. haha. The carrot cake was....orgasmic. I think my mouth actually exploded. That's the last sweet for 40 days! I can do this. haha. I picked the PERFECT sweet. Yum yum yum.
Mom and I talked about a bunch of stuff, and I'm starting to realize that I'm at a really great weight right now, and I just need to maintain (I would rather lose a couple more pounds, but if I don't, it's definitely not the end of the world). I seriously love my mother to death.
I went to church later that night with my dad for Ash Wednesday. We found out that a classmate of my brother's died this past week. So sad. It made me realize that life is short and precious. I was so shocked.
Afterward, we went home and had veggie frittatas. Yum yum yummmmm.
Yesterday was such a great day < 3333.
Today, I have work, then I'm heading to the gym. Spring Break is almost over. Noooooo. I need to get this essay together and study for my Biochem exam. haha.
Alright, work beckons. Byeeee.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Stepped on the scale this morning.
Weight: 149.4.
I am in the 140's. Holy. Shit. I'm 5 pounds away from FINALLY being in the "normal" BMI range, but I want to lose 10 just for me :). AH, I'm so excited! What's really helped is recording eeeeeeeeeverything that I eat, and trying to stay active as much as possible. I have more hours at work now, so I'm walking around a lot, and not sitting down and confusing hunger with boredom.
So, I'm finally on Spring Break, and I haven't done much out of the ordinary, except I can go to the gym a little bit later and take my time more. And I can work even more.
Saturday: Work, then I came home to eat my "veggie" bacon cheeseburger! SOOOOOOO GOOD. Watched the Pens game, had a relaxing night.
Sunday: Wanted to wake up early to run, but the snow is stupid. Church, work from 10 AM to 8 PM. Uuuuugh, rough. haha. People were jerks and it just sucked. haha.
Monday: Had my Morningstar "Sausage", Egg and Cheese Biscuit and berries (soooo good and a good pre-workout meal), worked out from 7:30-9ish, then I walked to Coffee Tree to get my latte and study Biochemistry/read a book. And eat my obligatory post workout tomato and GNC LeanShake. I just finished "703" by Nancy Makin. Read it. Such a sad story, but so motivating. This lady was 703 pounds and lost 500 pounds without surgery. Incredible. Went to work from 2-10 (snack 1 was a Chobani Greek Yogurt and Luna Bar, and Pre Bedtime snack was cottage cheese and an apple), then that was that.
Tuesday: I DIDN'T HAVE TO WORK. haha. I still woke up early, ate my biscuit and berries, then worked out from 7:30-9:30. Did everything--cardio, abs, and strength training. The burn felt gooooood. haha. Walked to Coffee Tree, coffee/tomato/Lean Shake, then I walked home. Did a bunch of laundry and dishes, ate lunch (Healthy Choice Pesto meal with an addition of "Meatless Meatballs"), then got ready for the Pens game! Ate my snack (Chobani), went to the game, and had a great time. Pens are busting their balls, and I'm so proud of them :). Smuggled in my pre-bedtime snack (Luna Bar and apple). I am sneaky. haha. Walked to the bus stop, took the bus most of the way home, then walked the stupid mile uphill to my house.
Today is an exciting day! I'm going to the gym in a few, then I'm getting my hair cut (maybe trying something new), and then going to the vagina doctor. I'm kinda excited to get an "official" weight and see how much my weight loss has affected my vital stats and stuff. Plus, I know this may be TMI, but I haven't had my period in like 3 months, so I wanna know what's up.
Theeeeeeeeen, I'm having my cheat meal of the week with my Mammy! Gullifty's Mediterranean Eggplant Melt (I really freaking love eggplant), and then...CARROT CAKE. It's my last sweet before I give them all up for 40 days. I can totally do this. haha. The eggplant isn't tooooo bad, but it has a decent amount of cheese on it, and the eggplant is fried. There's not a lot of bread and stuff, though. And there's a lot of veggies. But, I've been working out hard at the gym, so I'm not worried.
Reading "703" actually made me realize how much I stress over stupid calories. I need to start living life more. Being so close to my ideal weight, I need to realize that one pound isn't the end of the world. I need to get it together. haha.
Alright, time to get ready for the gym! Bye all :).
Weight: 149.4.
I am in the 140's. Holy. Shit. I'm 5 pounds away from FINALLY being in the "normal" BMI range, but I want to lose 10 just for me :). AH, I'm so excited! What's really helped is recording eeeeeeeeeverything that I eat, and trying to stay active as much as possible. I have more hours at work now, so I'm walking around a lot, and not sitting down and confusing hunger with boredom.
So, I'm finally on Spring Break, and I haven't done much out of the ordinary, except I can go to the gym a little bit later and take my time more. And I can work even more.
Saturday: Work, then I came home to eat my "veggie" bacon cheeseburger! SOOOOOOO GOOD. Watched the Pens game, had a relaxing night.
Sunday: Wanted to wake up early to run, but the snow is stupid. Church, work from 10 AM to 8 PM. Uuuuugh, rough. haha. People were jerks and it just sucked. haha.
Monday: Had my Morningstar "Sausage", Egg and Cheese Biscuit and berries (soooo good and a good pre-workout meal), worked out from 7:30-9ish, then I walked to Coffee Tree to get my latte and study Biochemistry/read a book. And eat my obligatory post workout tomato and GNC LeanShake. I just finished "703" by Nancy Makin. Read it. Such a sad story, but so motivating. This lady was 703 pounds and lost 500 pounds without surgery. Incredible. Went to work from 2-10 (snack 1 was a Chobani Greek Yogurt and Luna Bar, and Pre Bedtime snack was cottage cheese and an apple), then that was that.
Tuesday: I DIDN'T HAVE TO WORK. haha. I still woke up early, ate my biscuit and berries, then worked out from 7:30-9:30. Did everything--cardio, abs, and strength training. The burn felt gooooood. haha. Walked to Coffee Tree, coffee/tomato/Lean Shake, then I walked home. Did a bunch of laundry and dishes, ate lunch (Healthy Choice Pesto meal with an addition of "Meatless Meatballs"), then got ready for the Pens game! Ate my snack (Chobani), went to the game, and had a great time. Pens are busting their balls, and I'm so proud of them :). Smuggled in my pre-bedtime snack (Luna Bar and apple). I am sneaky. haha. Walked to the bus stop, took the bus most of the way home, then walked the stupid mile uphill to my house.
Today is an exciting day! I'm going to the gym in a few, then I'm getting my hair cut (maybe trying something new), and then going to the vagina doctor. I'm kinda excited to get an "official" weight and see how much my weight loss has affected my vital stats and stuff. Plus, I know this may be TMI, but I haven't had my period in like 3 months, so I wanna know what's up.
Theeeeeeeeen, I'm having my cheat meal of the week with my Mammy! Gullifty's Mediterranean Eggplant Melt (I really freaking love eggplant), and then...CARROT CAKE. It's my last sweet before I give them all up for 40 days. I can totally do this. haha. The eggplant isn't tooooo bad, but it has a decent amount of cheese on it, and the eggplant is fried. There's not a lot of bread and stuff, though. And there's a lot of veggies. But, I've been working out hard at the gym, so I'm not worried.
Reading "703" actually made me realize how much I stress over stupid calories. I need to start living life more. Being so close to my ideal weight, I need to realize that one pound isn't the end of the world. I need to get it together. haha.
Alright, time to get ready for the gym! Bye all :).
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Aaaaaah, Spring Break.
My last update was about my three pound weight loss last week. Still pretty pumped about it.
Nothing novel has really happened this week, buuuuuuuuuut I've been keeping myself busy.
I have more hours at work now, so that means less time to dilly-dally AKA less time to confuse boredom with hunger. This is good. haha.
Hm...lemme think...
Sunday: Worked 10-6, and that was pretty much it. Uneventful Sunday. haha. I probably did homework when I came home. It was a week ago, I don't even remember. I DID eat Trader Joe's Meatless Meatballs. So good. Love them.
Monday: Had class, went to the gym, then I had work. Yep, pretty typical.
Tuesday: AM workout, Coffee Tree (duh), class (took a Biochem quiz...totally owned its butt), then I went home and went on a cleaning rampage. Well, not rampage...but, I did a couple loads of dishes and cleaned my gross-ass bathroom. Had some oatmeal with almond milk. Felt like sharing that, because I freaking love oatmeal and I freaking love almond yeah. haha. I also had this portabella marsala Healthy Choice entree for lunch (with some Meatless Meatballs). Sooooo good. I also had a spoonful or two of natural peanut butter. Dear God, that is my kryptonite. hahaha.
Wednesday: Another AM workout (Luna Bar and apple beforehand--if you're a woman and you don't eat Luna Bars, you're a damned fool < 333), class, then headed home. Had my cheat meal! Stuffed eggplant from La Capella. SO FREAKING GOOD.
Theeeeen, I did some more hardcore cleaning. More dishes, cleaned out the ridic refrigerators, then took out aaaaall of the trash/recyclables. Had a salad for dinner to compensate for the gluttonous lunch, and yeah. haha
Thursday: Went in early to work on an essay, class, then I took a different bus to the gym. However, I had to walk over a mile uphill with all my stupid bags, but I felt light as a feather. I know it sounds corny, but...I felt awesome about it. Worked out, then walked back down the damn hill and went to work (didn't have my Coffee Tree skinny latte, but I had yummy brussel sprouts! I'm obsessed, I know it's weird).
Yesterday/Friday: AM class, then I went to the gym. Wasn't feeling motivated, but then I did it...and I rocked it. 1200 calories, Bitches. haha. I'm feeling it this morning, though. I was gonna go for a morning run before work, but I woke up and my body was like...uuuuuuuuuuuhhhh no. I had my Coffee Tree, then I went to work and that's about it.
Other than the stuffed eggplant, I didn't really stray away from my diet. I did a little on Wednesday. Had a little bit too much cheese and stuff, but I did a lot of extraneous work around the house that hopefully compensated a little. haha.
As I said before, I decided to give up all sweets for Lent. I was talking to my Mom about it and I told her that my "Fat Tuesday" Meal is going to be an Eggplant Mediterranean melt from Gullifty's, which isn't too bad (no pasta or processed carbs, except for the garlic bread, but I won't eat it)...but I freaking want carrot cake in the most way. haha. That'll be my last hurrah. wooooo. Then, no cakes, no candy, no ice cream, pies, etc...for 40 days. It'll happen ;).
I have Spring Break this week! I'm working 40 hours, so I'll keep myself busy, and I have a midterm essay and an exam to study for, so I'll definitely not be loafing. Then there's always the gym. I also have a gynecologist and haircut appointment. Pretty pumped to see how much I actually weigh on a doctor's scale. And then there's Carrot Cake Time too :).
Alright, time to finish this oatmeal with strawberries and apricots and then get ready for work! Watching the most recent episode of "Biggest Loser" that show. So motivating.
After work, I'm going grocery shopping really quickly for dinner. I'm having a vegetarian bacon cheeseburger! haha. With vegetarian baked beans. And asparagus. Yum yum yummmm. In preparation for my outrageous meal on Fat Tuesday, I'm trying to limit my caloric intake til then. Fun times. Today, I'm eating oatmeal for breakfast, Chobani for a snack, then an egg-white omelet and some veggies for breakfast. So excited for a bacon cheeseburger tonight! And I love me some baked beans. It's crazy how much better for you a black bean burger and veggie bacon is for you than the real thing. And I'm eating low fat cheese and a Arnold whole wheat thin. Love those things. And the asparagus will be steeeeeeeeeeamed.
Alright, oatmeal is beckoning. Byeeeeeee.
PS. New dress :);

Before my workout. Love this outrageous hoodie. haha:
I have more hours at work now, so that means less time to dilly-dally AKA less time to confuse boredom with hunger. This is good. haha.
Hm...lemme think...
Sunday: Worked 10-6, and that was pretty much it. Uneventful Sunday. haha. I probably did homework when I came home. It was a week ago, I don't even remember. I DID eat Trader Joe's Meatless Meatballs. So good. Love them.
Monday: Had class, went to the gym, then I had work. Yep, pretty typical.
Tuesday: AM workout, Coffee Tree (duh), class (took a Biochem quiz...totally owned its butt), then I went home and went on a cleaning rampage. Well, not rampage...but, I did a couple loads of dishes and cleaned my gross-ass bathroom. Had some oatmeal with almond milk. Felt like sharing that, because I freaking love oatmeal and I freaking love almond yeah. haha. I also had this portabella marsala Healthy Choice entree for lunch (with some Meatless Meatballs). Sooooo good. I also had a spoonful or two of natural peanut butter. Dear God, that is my kryptonite. hahaha.
Wednesday: Another AM workout (Luna Bar and apple beforehand--if you're a woman and you don't eat Luna Bars, you're a damned fool < 333), class, then headed home. Had my cheat meal! Stuffed eggplant from La Capella. SO FREAKING GOOD.
Theeeeen, I did some more hardcore cleaning. More dishes, cleaned out the ridic refrigerators, then took out aaaaall of the trash/recyclables. Had a salad for dinner to compensate for the gluttonous lunch, and yeah. haha
Thursday: Went in early to work on an essay, class, then I took a different bus to the gym. However, I had to walk over a mile uphill with all my stupid bags, but I felt light as a feather. I know it sounds corny, but...I felt awesome about it. Worked out, then walked back down the damn hill and went to work (didn't have my Coffee Tree skinny latte, but I had yummy brussel sprouts! I'm obsessed, I know it's weird).
Yesterday/Friday: AM class, then I went to the gym. Wasn't feeling motivated, but then I did it...and I rocked it. 1200 calories, Bitches. haha. I'm feeling it this morning, though. I was gonna go for a morning run before work, but I woke up and my body was like...uuuuuuuuuuuhhhh no. I had my Coffee Tree, then I went to work and that's about it.
Other than the stuffed eggplant, I didn't really stray away from my diet. I did a little on Wednesday. Had a little bit too much cheese and stuff, but I did a lot of extraneous work around the house that hopefully compensated a little. haha.
As I said before, I decided to give up all sweets for Lent. I was talking to my Mom about it and I told her that my "Fat Tuesday" Meal is going to be an Eggplant Mediterranean melt from Gullifty's, which isn't too bad (no pasta or processed carbs, except for the garlic bread, but I won't eat it)...but I freaking want carrot cake in the most way. haha. That'll be my last hurrah. wooooo. Then, no cakes, no candy, no ice cream, pies, etc...for 40 days. It'll happen ;).
I have Spring Break this week! I'm working 40 hours, so I'll keep myself busy, and I have a midterm essay and an exam to study for, so I'll definitely not be loafing. Then there's always the gym. I also have a gynecologist and haircut appointment. Pretty pumped to see how much I actually weigh on a doctor's scale. And then there's Carrot Cake Time too :).
Alright, time to finish this oatmeal with strawberries and apricots and then get ready for work! Watching the most recent episode of "Biggest Loser" that show. So motivating.
After work, I'm going grocery shopping really quickly for dinner. I'm having a vegetarian bacon cheeseburger! haha. With vegetarian baked beans. And asparagus. Yum yum yummmm. In preparation for my outrageous meal on Fat Tuesday, I'm trying to limit my caloric intake til then. Fun times. Today, I'm eating oatmeal for breakfast, Chobani for a snack, then an egg-white omelet and some veggies for breakfast. So excited for a bacon cheeseburger tonight! And I love me some baked beans. It's crazy how much better for you a black bean burger and veggie bacon is for you than the real thing. And I'm eating low fat cheese and a Arnold whole wheat thin. Love those things. And the asparagus will be steeeeeeeeeeamed.
Alright, oatmeal is beckoning. Byeeeeeee.
PS. New dress :);

Before my workout. Love this outrageous hoodie. haha:
Monday, February 28, 2011
My new project=SUCCESS! Thank yooooooooooou, patience. haha
I'm only 12 pounds away from my goal. Holy balls, I'm happy.
Now, time for my midterm, then the gymmmm. Better update letter, but just so you know, I danced around my room in my underoos this morning, I was so happy. haha
I'm only 12 pounds away from my goal. Holy balls, I'm happy.
Now, time for my midterm, then the gymmmm. Better update letter, but just so you know, I danced around my room in my underoos this morning, I was so happy. haha
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Not toooo much to say...
I dunno if people even read this. haha. Eh, it's good for me emotionally, anyway.
Soooo, I weigh in tomorrow. I'll see if this "project" worked out for me. When, wasn't a project. It was good old self-control. I ate normal portions, tried to stay mobile, and didn't weigh myself every 5 seconds and go crazy when it's mostly water-weight fluctuations. haha. The thing is, I didn't work out as much as I usually do, and it felt weird...but when I did work out, I had so much more energy, because I had time off. Soooo, it's kind of a tradeoff. We'll see tomorrow morning!
Midterms are this week. I only have one, and it's not gonna be too bad, so I'm not worried. It's tomorrow morning. Then, I have a quiz on Tuesday, theeeen it's pretty much nothing for a week and a half! Yay for Spring Break. haha. I'll have an essay to do over break, but whatev. I can't not do schoolwork--I like to exercise the mind too ;).
Yesterday, I woke up at 5:30, had my sausage egg and cheese biscuit with berries, and I went to the gym from 7-8:30. Did 5 miles, the norm, pretty much. Went to work from 9-6, then I went grocery shopping for a few things--vegetables, fruit, and dairy, mainly. I also bought some almond milk, because I want to try it.
Came home, made dinner (Butternut Squash soup and an egg white omelet), and watched an amazingly entertaining Penguins game. Studied a little for my midterm, and that was it.
Was gonna go for a 7 AM run this morning, but my body wasn't feeling it. I have work from 10-6, then I think I'm going to go running after work--it'll be warmer then, anyway.
I work a lot of hours this week, so that'll help with keeping active and mindless eating. I ate a Kashi cookie yesterday and maybe felt a teeny bit guilty...but Jesus Christ, get over it, Kelly. haha
And I found out that I can go to my sister's graduation! It doesn't interfere with my summer class or anything. I am SO EXCITED! < 33333.
Alright, time for some Kashi with almond milk. Good times. haha. Byeeeee.
PS. I have decided I'm giving up all sweets for Lent. God help me. haha
Soooo, I weigh in tomorrow. I'll see if this "project" worked out for me. When, wasn't a project. It was good old self-control. I ate normal portions, tried to stay mobile, and didn't weigh myself every 5 seconds and go crazy when it's mostly water-weight fluctuations. haha. The thing is, I didn't work out as much as I usually do, and it felt weird...but when I did work out, I had so much more energy, because I had time off. Soooo, it's kind of a tradeoff. We'll see tomorrow morning!
Midterms are this week. I only have one, and it's not gonna be too bad, so I'm not worried. It's tomorrow morning. Then, I have a quiz on Tuesday, theeeen it's pretty much nothing for a week and a half! Yay for Spring Break. haha. I'll have an essay to do over break, but whatev. I can't not do schoolwork--I like to exercise the mind too ;).
Yesterday, I woke up at 5:30, had my sausage egg and cheese biscuit with berries, and I went to the gym from 7-8:30. Did 5 miles, the norm, pretty much. Went to work from 9-6, then I went grocery shopping for a few things--vegetables, fruit, and dairy, mainly. I also bought some almond milk, because I want to try it.
Came home, made dinner (Butternut Squash soup and an egg white omelet), and watched an amazingly entertaining Penguins game. Studied a little for my midterm, and that was it.
Was gonna go for a 7 AM run this morning, but my body wasn't feeling it. I have work from 10-6, then I think I'm going to go running after work--it'll be warmer then, anyway.
I work a lot of hours this week, so that'll help with keeping active and mindless eating. I ate a Kashi cookie yesterday and maybe felt a teeny bit guilty...but Jesus Christ, get over it, Kelly. haha
And I found out that I can go to my sister's graduation! It doesn't interfere with my summer class or anything. I am SO EXCITED! < 33333.
Alright, time for some Kashi with almond milk. Good times. haha. Byeeeee.
PS. I have decided I'm giving up all sweets for Lent. God help me. haha
Friday, February 25, 2011
My body hates meeeeeee. haha
So, you know how I said that I was going to the gym yesterday morning from 7-9?
Yeah, totally didn't happen. Woke up with a sore lower body, including a sore hip, which obviously wouldn't work out too well. I walked around a lot on Wednesday night (5 miles, I wanna say? Probably more..and I hit the gym), and I walked up a lot of hills, so maybe that tweaked something, and then I slept on my hip, which probably aggravated it. Eh, I dunno.
The funny part? Didn't feel guilty. Because I have been eating so well and getting "non-exercise" (walking around all day, on my feet all day at work) exercise that I know I'm fine. Instead of the usual 5-6 days of working out a week I usually do, I'll probably only do 4 max this week. And I'm fine with it, because, like I said, I ate REALLY well.
I'm starting to realize how much weight I've actually lost. I was reading it takes a year or something to realize a 20-pound weight loss. Insane-o. I've lost about 80 pounds in a year, so that should technically take me 4 years to adjust, but I think I'm starting to see just how much better I look. I can wear a MEDIUM IN URBAN OUTFITTERS. Suck on it, haters. haha.
I watched "Biggest Loser" yesterday, before my Biochemistry class. Seriously love that show--motivates me like no other.
Had Biochem, then I took a bus halfway into Dowtown to Moe's to meet Karina for lunch. Had to make a pit stop at the Marriott, because I thought I was ABSOLUTELY going to pee my pants. haha. Ran into Matt Cooke and Pascal Dupuis (Pittsburgh Penguins). So random.
Walked around Downtown for about 40 minutes, then walked to Moe's. Had my tofu salad, no shell, no cheese, no sour cream...and added some broccoli, because I'm weird like that :). I love lunches with Karina. She's entering a bodybuilding competition, so we're both eating healthy, and it's kinda cool to have a friend to confide in about this stuff, you know?
Took a bus to work, got there early, so I bought some groceries (apples, my pre-workout vegetarian sausage muffins--SO GOOD, gum, etc.), then I headed to GNC to buy my Lean Shakes. So glad I did--not only because my "boyfriend" was working there, but also because it was the last day of the BOGO 1/2 off. Whew. Saved myself some buckaroos.Ate one of the new coconut Luna Bars. I thought I was having oral sex. Unreal good.
Worked from 4:30-9:45. I like being able to be on my feet the whole time, because I'm a naturally fidgety person. haha.
Came home from work to see Pitt winning against WVU (ALWAYS awesome), and a package from Urban! Got a super-cute tank and a gorgeous dress from there. Both are MEDIUMS :). Didn't take a picture of the shirt, but I got one of the dress:
Ialso took this picture the other day, because (I'll admit) I think I look pretty. haha:
I still kinda second-guess pictures that really me? Crazy.
Well, today, I'm ACTUALLY going to the gym, then heading to work.
Then getting up at 6 AM on a Saturday to go to the gym before work. Ugh. haha.
Kashi GoLean cereal makes waking up early totally acceptable, though. So. freaking. Good.
Oooooh, and:
I'm doing this. And you should too. And you should read her blog, because I absoLOVE her. She's a big motivator for me too.
Weighing myself only once a week makes me excited for the week to pass. Lame, right? I'm hoping for a pound, but we'll see! I feel better than I have, and my clothes seem to fit a little looser, so we'll see.
Time for class!
Yeah, totally didn't happen. Woke up with a sore lower body, including a sore hip, which obviously wouldn't work out too well. I walked around a lot on Wednesday night (5 miles, I wanna say? Probably more..and I hit the gym), and I walked up a lot of hills, so maybe that tweaked something, and then I slept on my hip, which probably aggravated it. Eh, I dunno.
The funny part? Didn't feel guilty. Because I have been eating so well and getting "non-exercise" (walking around all day, on my feet all day at work) exercise that I know I'm fine. Instead of the usual 5-6 days of working out a week I usually do, I'll probably only do 4 max this week. And I'm fine with it, because, like I said, I ate REALLY well.
I'm starting to realize how much weight I've actually lost. I was reading it takes a year or something to realize a 20-pound weight loss. Insane-o. I've lost about 80 pounds in a year, so that should technically take me 4 years to adjust, but I think I'm starting to see just how much better I look. I can wear a MEDIUM IN URBAN OUTFITTERS. Suck on it, haters. haha.
I watched "Biggest Loser" yesterday, before my Biochemistry class. Seriously love that show--motivates me like no other.
Had Biochem, then I took a bus halfway into Dowtown to Moe's to meet Karina for lunch. Had to make a pit stop at the Marriott, because I thought I was ABSOLUTELY going to pee my pants. haha. Ran into Matt Cooke and Pascal Dupuis (Pittsburgh Penguins). So random.
Walked around Downtown for about 40 minutes, then walked to Moe's. Had my tofu salad, no shell, no cheese, no sour cream...and added some broccoli, because I'm weird like that :). I love lunches with Karina. She's entering a bodybuilding competition, so we're both eating healthy, and it's kinda cool to have a friend to confide in about this stuff, you know?
Took a bus to work, got there early, so I bought some groceries (apples, my pre-workout vegetarian sausage muffins--SO GOOD, gum, etc.), then I headed to GNC to buy my Lean Shakes. So glad I did--not only because my "boyfriend" was working there, but also because it was the last day of the BOGO 1/2 off. Whew. Saved myself some buckaroos.Ate one of the new coconut Luna Bars. I thought I was having oral sex. Unreal good.
Worked from 4:30-9:45. I like being able to be on my feet the whole time, because I'm a naturally fidgety person. haha.
Came home from work to see Pitt winning against WVU (ALWAYS awesome), and a package from Urban! Got a super-cute tank and a gorgeous dress from there. Both are MEDIUMS :). Didn't take a picture of the shirt, but I got one of the dress:
Ialso took this picture the other day, because (I'll admit) I think I look pretty. haha:
I still kinda second-guess pictures that really me? Crazy.
Well, today, I'm ACTUALLY going to the gym, then heading to work.
Then getting up at 6 AM on a Saturday to go to the gym before work. Ugh. haha.
Kashi GoLean cereal makes waking up early totally acceptable, though. So. freaking. Good.
Oooooh, and:
I'm doing this. And you should too. And you should read her blog, because I absoLOVE her. She's a big motivator for me too.
Weighing myself only once a week makes me excited for the week to pass. Lame, right? I'm hoping for a pound, but we'll see! I feel better than I have, and my clothes seem to fit a little looser, so we'll see.
Time for class!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Yeah yeah yeeeeah...
Haven't updated in a couple days...lemme see...
Monday: ate a well-balanced diet. Just had History and then bummed around, finishing my lab report and Biochemistry assignment and such. Went to Coffee Tree, got my obligatory skinny latte, went to the library to check out a couple books.
Went to the Pens game, and THAT was a clusterfuck. I couldn't get a bus home after walking for two miles in the freaking blizzard aaaand waiting for a bus for over an hour, so I asked the *every lovely and wonderful Karina Bharne* to pick me up and bring me home, knowing that I owed her huge, because it was teeeeerrible outside. On the bright side, I passed Sidney Crosby and Brooks Orpik. Cool deal. haha.
Stayed the night at Karina's, because there was no way we were making it to my house.
Went to class on Tuesday in the same clothes and soaked Uggs. Oh well. haha. Luckily, I had my OChem lab report and Biochem assignment on hand! I was so tired, but the day went quickly. Got some Bruegger's and a Caribou Light Latte for breakfast (oh my God, I wish Bruegger's had no fat or carbs or calories. I could LIVE off of that stuff. lfdkjskjdf). Had Biochem, Had OChem Lab, then went to dinner with Mary Jo (AKA "Mom").
We went to La Capella, because I had a coupon for a free entree, and La Capella is balls good. Had my heart set on a wheat timballo, but the sauce had chicken broth in it (LAME), so I got eggplant, which I knew was amazingly good anyway :).
Went to bed at 9:30 last night. Slept like a log. Didn't even care that I didn't work out two days in a row...mainly because I ate pretty well and infrequently.
Today, I went to the gym from 7-8. I only did cardio and I burned about 900 cals. Walked to Coffee Tree (over 2 miles...I love my coffee) and got my latte. Had class, walked to the bus stop, walked from the bus stop to my house, showered, ate lunch (Kashi Black Bean Enchilada!), then I caught a bus to Shadyside/South Side, because I had to return a couple things to Gap and Urban Outfitters.
And now, I'm here at Pitt, awaiting yet another bus to go to the Pens game. Two new players tonight--pretty pumped to see them play!
I told you all that I was starting a new plan--only weighing myself once a week, on Monday morning. I've stuck to that plan, and I actually feel less depressed. Water weight fluctuates so much that it's stupid to weigh yourself so much, I realize. My clothes are fitting better (actually some are getting bigger!), and I have more confidence, and I feel healthy--that's all that really matters :). OOOOH! Bought some Luna Bars at REI--they keep coming out with new flavors, and it makes me love them more.
If you've never had a Luna Bar, HAVE ONE. Chocolate Raspberry and Chocolate Chunk are my favorites :). Got the new Chocolate Coconut--pretty pumped to try that one. haha.
Walked a tooon today. And I'm going to walk from the arena to the bus stop, then from the bus stop to my house, which is probably another two miles or so. Getting it doooone.
Tomorrow, I'm going to the gym from 7-9, walking to Coffee Tree, going to class, meeting up with Karina for lunch (Moe's--I get the tofu salad without the nacho shell, cheese, and sour cream ;]), then work. Blegh. haha
Time to leave for the Pens game! Byeeeeeeeee.
Monday: ate a well-balanced diet. Just had History and then bummed around, finishing my lab report and Biochemistry assignment and such. Went to Coffee Tree, got my obligatory skinny latte, went to the library to check out a couple books.
Went to the Pens game, and THAT was a clusterfuck. I couldn't get a bus home after walking for two miles in the freaking blizzard aaaand waiting for a bus for over an hour, so I asked the *every lovely and wonderful Karina Bharne* to pick me up and bring me home, knowing that I owed her huge, because it was teeeeerrible outside. On the bright side, I passed Sidney Crosby and Brooks Orpik. Cool deal. haha.
Stayed the night at Karina's, because there was no way we were making it to my house.
Went to class on Tuesday in the same clothes and soaked Uggs. Oh well. haha. Luckily, I had my OChem lab report and Biochem assignment on hand! I was so tired, but the day went quickly. Got some Bruegger's and a Caribou Light Latte for breakfast (oh my God, I wish Bruegger's had no fat or carbs or calories. I could LIVE off of that stuff. lfdkjskjdf). Had Biochem, Had OChem Lab, then went to dinner with Mary Jo (AKA "Mom").
We went to La Capella, because I had a coupon for a free entree, and La Capella is balls good. Had my heart set on a wheat timballo, but the sauce had chicken broth in it (LAME), so I got eggplant, which I knew was amazingly good anyway :).
Went to bed at 9:30 last night. Slept like a log. Didn't even care that I didn't work out two days in a row...mainly because I ate pretty well and infrequently.
Today, I went to the gym from 7-8. I only did cardio and I burned about 900 cals. Walked to Coffee Tree (over 2 miles...I love my coffee) and got my latte. Had class, walked to the bus stop, walked from the bus stop to my house, showered, ate lunch (Kashi Black Bean Enchilada!), then I caught a bus to Shadyside/South Side, because I had to return a couple things to Gap and Urban Outfitters.
And now, I'm here at Pitt, awaiting yet another bus to go to the Pens game. Two new players tonight--pretty pumped to see them play!
I told you all that I was starting a new plan--only weighing myself once a week, on Monday morning. I've stuck to that plan, and I actually feel less depressed. Water weight fluctuates so much that it's stupid to weigh yourself so much, I realize. My clothes are fitting better (actually some are getting bigger!), and I have more confidence, and I feel healthy--that's all that really matters :). OOOOH! Bought some Luna Bars at REI--they keep coming out with new flavors, and it makes me love them more.
If you've never had a Luna Bar, HAVE ONE. Chocolate Raspberry and Chocolate Chunk are my favorites :). Got the new Chocolate Coconut--pretty pumped to try that one. haha.
Walked a tooon today. And I'm going to walk from the arena to the bus stop, then from the bus stop to my house, which is probably another two miles or so. Getting it doooone.
Tomorrow, I'm going to the gym from 7-9, walking to Coffee Tree, going to class, meeting up with Karina for lunch (Moe's--I get the tofu salad without the nacho shell, cheese, and sour cream ;]), then work. Blegh. haha
Time to leave for the Pens game! Byeeeeeeeee.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Portion Control: SUCCESS!
Let's update on Friday/Saturday first.
I get to the gym on Friday, decide it's FAR too beautiful to run on a stupid treadmill, so I decided to run around RIDC Park. Well, that turned into running around Aspinwall pretty much, and I ended up running 6 miles. It's crazy how light on my feet I am now. It made me so happy :). I even ran up some steep hills, and wasn't even that pooped. woooo.
I then got a skinny caramel latte from Coffee Tree (seriously, I'm obsessed. It's like my candy...and I got decaf, don't worry), studied some History/read a little Jen Lancaster (my BFF), ate some veggies and tofurkey, and then headed to work. Worked until 10, then I got home and attempted to write some of my Organic Chemistry lab report...and it didn't go over too well, because I was preeeetty tired.
Saturday, I woke up at 7 (seriously cannot sleep in), had an egg white/spinach/feta omelet (Cedarlane, I love you), berries, and some coffee before hitting the gym. Burned a tooon of calories, because I hit all the ropes--treadmill, arc trainer, total body trainer, abs, AND strength training. Got Coffee Tree (yeah, seriously), and I went home and got ready for work. I worked from 2-10 and it wasn't too bad. I was kinda sore, but that's to be expected. Had Trader Joe's veggie lasagna for dinner...dear Lord, it was so good.
Came home from work, did a little of my lab report, then went to bed.
Woke up at 7:30 today, ate some oatmeal and berries, went to church with Pops, then headed to the gym. I was soooooooooooo sore when I woke up this morning. I lifted a lot yesterday, I won't even lie. Then, I lifted a bunch of stuff at work, so that probably didn't help. haha. Once I got to the gym, I was still tired and sore, but I pushed through, and did 6.5 miles! I knew Texas Sheet Cake was in my future, so I couldn't dog it. haha.
Got Coffee Tree, came home, worked on my lab report, watched the Pens and Hawks game, and then went to my grandma's for dinner. I worked super hard on portion control, and I pulled through!
Had a small portion of garden salad, some eggplant parmesean (not too much), and brussel sprouts for dinner, then a moderate piece of Texas Sheet Cake for dessert. I took small bites and ate more slowly and drank more water, and I felt fuller. It's not just a gimmick, I suppose. haha. I was offered more cake and some ice cream, but I didn't go for it. I did take home the leftover brussel sprouts, though, because I am seriously obsessed.
I honestly could have eaten that entire cake, if given the chance.
I get to the gym on Friday, decide it's FAR too beautiful to run on a stupid treadmill, so I decided to run around RIDC Park. Well, that turned into running around Aspinwall pretty much, and I ended up running 6 miles. It's crazy how light on my feet I am now. It made me so happy :). I even ran up some steep hills, and wasn't even that pooped. woooo.
I then got a skinny caramel latte from Coffee Tree (seriously, I'm obsessed. It's like my candy...and I got decaf, don't worry), studied some History/read a little Jen Lancaster (my BFF), ate some veggies and tofurkey, and then headed to work. Worked until 10, then I got home and attempted to write some of my Organic Chemistry lab report...and it didn't go over too well, because I was preeeetty tired.
Saturday, I woke up at 7 (seriously cannot sleep in), had an egg white/spinach/feta omelet (Cedarlane, I love you), berries, and some coffee before hitting the gym. Burned a tooon of calories, because I hit all the ropes--treadmill, arc trainer, total body trainer, abs, AND strength training. Got Coffee Tree (yeah, seriously), and I went home and got ready for work. I worked from 2-10 and it wasn't too bad. I was kinda sore, but that's to be expected. Had Trader Joe's veggie lasagna for dinner...dear Lord, it was so good.
Came home from work, did a little of my lab report, then went to bed.
Woke up at 7:30 today, ate some oatmeal and berries, went to church with Pops, then headed to the gym. I was soooooooooooo sore when I woke up this morning. I lifted a lot yesterday, I won't even lie. Then, I lifted a bunch of stuff at work, so that probably didn't help. haha. Once I got to the gym, I was still tired and sore, but I pushed through, and did 6.5 miles! I knew Texas Sheet Cake was in my future, so I couldn't dog it. haha.
Got Coffee Tree, came home, worked on my lab report, watched the Pens and Hawks game, and then went to my grandma's for dinner. I worked super hard on portion control, and I pulled through!
Had a small portion of garden salad, some eggplant parmesean (not too much), and brussel sprouts for dinner, then a moderate piece of Texas Sheet Cake for dessert. I took small bites and ate more slowly and drank more water, and I felt fuller. It's not just a gimmick, I suppose. haha. I was offered more cake and some ice cream, but I didn't go for it. I did take home the leftover brussel sprouts, though, because I am seriously obsessed.
I honestly could have eaten that entire cake, if given the chance.
Tell me you wouldn't eat that, if offered. sdjflkdjslfjsdsj so good. I realized that it will not accomplish ANYTHING if I ate two or three pieces of that cake--I'd feel gross, and all I need is one piece. There will be many more days in my life where I can enjoy a piece of Texas Sheet Cake. That's my logic.
I know this sounds stupid, but I was really proud of my portion control today. I've eaten well ever since Wednesday, and I'm pretty pumped about it. And my stomach is showing it :).
Tomorrow is another pretty low calorie day, because I'm taking my mom out to dinner on Tuesday to La Capella, and I'm getting wheat pasta with mushrooms, artichokes, sun dried tomatoes, and basil in a garlic white wine sauce, which I'm sure isn't the healthiest thing under the sun...however, it's one of the healthier options on the menu. I'm hoping if I pace myself, I won't scarf down the whole damn thing. haha. Plus, I'll be going to the gym, so it's whatev.
Taking OFF from the gym tomorrow. I've gone for ten days straight now. Ugh. It'd be different if I took it easy a couple days, but I've burned like at least 1000 calories every time I've gone. haha. Besides having class and working on my lab report and a Biochemistry assignment, I'm going to amble around Shadyside, return some things at Gap and such, and then probably treat myself to Coffee Tree and some quality book time, because I'm lame. Then, I'm going to the Pens game! I don't go to bars and go out drinking--I go to hockey games. It's like therapy. haha.
I've decided that for Lent, I'm restricting myself to the computer and TV for two hours a day. Watch how efficient I'll be. You won't even REALIZE.
Alright, speaking of efficiency, this lab report isn't going to do itself.
Good night!
PS. Decided to stop obsessive-compulsively weighing myself. Weighing myself every Sunday starting today. Then, I won't go crazy with water weight and all that stuff.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Dear Lord, I would marry this weather.
For real. So gorgeous.
In the past two nights, I've gotten maybe 10 hours of sleep total if I'm lucky, so bear with me here. haha.
Wednesday was a clusterfuck. At least I thought it was. Turns out I have a bigger wiggle room for caloric intake than I thought. I usually only consume around 1500 calories a day, which is totally acceptable...however, if I'm burning that many each day, my caloric deficit per day is 1500 or more...uhhhh, that's probably too much. haha. Unless I'm trying to lose like 50 pounds, that seems like a bit too much. And I'm only trying to lose 15 max. However, I felt like BLAH on Wednesday, because I ate so much bad stuff. Damn me. haha. I mean, I didn't sit down and eat a whole cake (speaking of which, my mother made a RED VELVET CAKE WITH CREAM CHEESE FROSTING the other night. She is pure evil....and no, I haven't had a piece :]), but I ate a little too much trail mix (that stuff is ADDICTING...damn salt), a cookie, a couple squares of dark all adds up. I burned a lot of calories that day and yesterday, so I'm over it, but still. Get it together, Kelly. haha. I was hardcore studying for a Biochemistry exam, and when you're sitting in one place for an extended period of time, you tend to realize hunger more or you mistake boredom for hunger. Yeeeeah.
Yesterday, I was super good :). Ate about 1500 calories (I think a little less) and burned about that many too. I also did pretty well on my Biochem exam I think, so that eating wasn't totally in vain! haha. Work is annoying, but it definitely prevents boredom which prevents needless eating.
A really sad event: the assistant manager at my job passed away the other night and I found out yesterday, right before my exam. We didn't always agree, but I felt absolutely terrible--we did get along though, and shared some cute and memorable moments--we talked about circumcisions for 20 minutes one time. We don't know exactly what happened, but we are deducing it was a heart attack, because she had heart problems. She has two kids--8 and 12--and her husband was recently in the hospital for heart problems. Truly feel for those children. I can't even begin to think how they feel. When I found out, I told my mommy that I love her. I was totally shellshocked. She was only 44. So scary. She was an extremely sweet and thoughtful lady, and I'm keeping her family in my prayers.
Work was definitely somber last night--I mean, what do you say?
Came home around 10 and had to do some homework, even though I reeeeeally just wanted to sleep. Went to bed late, woke up early. You know.
Breakfast is my motivation for waking up early. Sad huh? But I really freaking love Kashi cereal with mixed berries. It's like candy to me, so I get excited. Whatever.
Speaking of candy, I'm trying to figure out what to give up for Lent. Last year, I gave up candy, and I totally pulled through. I was thinking of giving up sweets all together, but I would be a bitch for 40 days. I promise you that. My mom said you could "cheat" on Sundays, but then that's not totally "giving it up," is it? Weeeeak. Still trying to figure it out. I could be on my computer less for Lent or something...I dunno, we'll see.
With the weather getting nicer, I'll be on my computer less anyway. I have a couple days off of work next week, so I plan on going in Shadyside and returning some stuff to Gap and looking around, going to Trader Joe's (my utopia), you know.
Alright, time to turn in this assignment and then going to the gyyyyym later. And treating myself to a Coffee Tree skinny latte and a good book afterward :). Then, work. Fun fun.
This weekend, I wanna GO somewhere and run. The weather will be too nice to not, especially Saturday. I'm totally saving a surplus of calories for Sunday, because it's my uncle's birthday, and my grandma is making Texas Sheet Cake. Oh my God, it's so good. I'm going to be really good until then :).
Have a good day, everyone.
In the past two nights, I've gotten maybe 10 hours of sleep total if I'm lucky, so bear with me here. haha.
Wednesday was a clusterfuck. At least I thought it was. Turns out I have a bigger wiggle room for caloric intake than I thought. I usually only consume around 1500 calories a day, which is totally acceptable...however, if I'm burning that many each day, my caloric deficit per day is 1500 or more...uhhhh, that's probably too much. haha. Unless I'm trying to lose like 50 pounds, that seems like a bit too much. And I'm only trying to lose 15 max. However, I felt like BLAH on Wednesday, because I ate so much bad stuff. Damn me. haha. I mean, I didn't sit down and eat a whole cake (speaking of which, my mother made a RED VELVET CAKE WITH CREAM CHEESE FROSTING the other night. She is pure evil....and no, I haven't had a piece :]), but I ate a little too much trail mix (that stuff is ADDICTING...damn salt), a cookie, a couple squares of dark all adds up. I burned a lot of calories that day and yesterday, so I'm over it, but still. Get it together, Kelly. haha. I was hardcore studying for a Biochemistry exam, and when you're sitting in one place for an extended period of time, you tend to realize hunger more or you mistake boredom for hunger. Yeeeeah.
Yesterday, I was super good :). Ate about 1500 calories (I think a little less) and burned about that many too. I also did pretty well on my Biochem exam I think, so that eating wasn't totally in vain! haha. Work is annoying, but it definitely prevents boredom which prevents needless eating.
A really sad event: the assistant manager at my job passed away the other night and I found out yesterday, right before my exam. We didn't always agree, but I felt absolutely terrible--we did get along though, and shared some cute and memorable moments--we talked about circumcisions for 20 minutes one time. We don't know exactly what happened, but we are deducing it was a heart attack, because she had heart problems. She has two kids--8 and 12--and her husband was recently in the hospital for heart problems. Truly feel for those children. I can't even begin to think how they feel. When I found out, I told my mommy that I love her. I was totally shellshocked. She was only 44. So scary. She was an extremely sweet and thoughtful lady, and I'm keeping her family in my prayers.
Work was definitely somber last night--I mean, what do you say?
Came home around 10 and had to do some homework, even though I reeeeeally just wanted to sleep. Went to bed late, woke up early. You know.
Breakfast is my motivation for waking up early. Sad huh? But I really freaking love Kashi cereal with mixed berries. It's like candy to me, so I get excited. Whatever.
Speaking of candy, I'm trying to figure out what to give up for Lent. Last year, I gave up candy, and I totally pulled through. I was thinking of giving up sweets all together, but I would be a bitch for 40 days. I promise you that. My mom said you could "cheat" on Sundays, but then that's not totally "giving it up," is it? Weeeeak. Still trying to figure it out. I could be on my computer less for Lent or something...I dunno, we'll see.
With the weather getting nicer, I'll be on my computer less anyway. I have a couple days off of work next week, so I plan on going in Shadyside and returning some stuff to Gap and looking around, going to Trader Joe's (my utopia), you know.
Alright, time to turn in this assignment and then going to the gyyyyym later. And treating myself to a Coffee Tree skinny latte and a good book afterward :). Then, work. Fun fun.
This weekend, I wanna GO somewhere and run. The weather will be too nice to not, especially Saturday. I'm totally saving a surplus of calories for Sunday, because it's my uncle's birthday, and my grandma is making Texas Sheet Cake. Oh my God, it's so good. I'm going to be really good until then :).
Have a good day, everyone.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Sucker for "Steel Magnolias"...
I just can't help it. I'm an old woman at heart. haha.
Lately, I've been waking up at 5 or 5:30 AM to do workouts. I don't start until 7 or a little before 7, but I want to have time to digest some breakfast/coffee before I start my workout.
I finally tried my Morningstar Egg and Sausage-filled biscuit for breakfast this morning. Oh. Lord. SO GOOD. Sometimes, I love being a vegetarian. haha. Had some mixed berries and coffee too.
Worked out from 7 AM-9 AM. Did 80 minutes of cardio and about 40 minutes of strength training. I was sufficiently sore when done. Was going to only have a GNC Lean Shake afterward, but I walked to Coffee Tree and got a skinny latte. Couldn't help it. haha.
Had class from 11-5 (Biochem and OChem Lab). Had a tofurkey sandwich and some veggies in between. My Lab TA asked me if the veggies I had were for the day or the week. Sir, I am a vegetarian. The end. haha.
Went to Trader Joe's afterward and got some yummieeees.
Simply Lite Low Carb Dark Chocolate (how can such a yummy thing be so low in calories, fat, and carbs? Yummmm.
Luna Bars (cranberry ones are soooo good.)
Natural Peanut Butter (SO much better than all that processed shit. Buy some.)
Organic Tomatoes
Tons of soup (Butternut Squash and Sweet Potato)
Frozen mixed berries
Had the quinoa and soup for dinner. So yummy.
Tomorrow is a 6 AM workout, COFFEE TREE SKINNY LATTE, class, then studying until forev :(. haha. Biochem exam on Thursday.
Starting Thursday, I think I'm going to have a steady work schedule. Lame lame lame. haha. I liked not having to worry about stupid customers and annoying quibbling among workers. I want to find another job, but I don't think any other job is going to be a lax about my hours. Yeah. I like that I get a discount on running shoes, Under Armour, and sports bras...and that I'm on my feet the whole time, so I burn extra calories! haha. I also won't be lolled into idleness.
Well, back to studying...and Steel Magnolias. haha.
PS. Florence + The Machines=best workout music evs. I seriously love her.
Lately, I've been waking up at 5 or 5:30 AM to do workouts. I don't start until 7 or a little before 7, but I want to have time to digest some breakfast/coffee before I start my workout.
I finally tried my Morningstar Egg and Sausage-filled biscuit for breakfast this morning. Oh. Lord. SO GOOD. Sometimes, I love being a vegetarian. haha. Had some mixed berries and coffee too.
Worked out from 7 AM-9 AM. Did 80 minutes of cardio and about 40 minutes of strength training. I was sufficiently sore when done. Was going to only have a GNC Lean Shake afterward, but I walked to Coffee Tree and got a skinny latte. Couldn't help it. haha.
Had class from 11-5 (Biochem and OChem Lab). Had a tofurkey sandwich and some veggies in between. My Lab TA asked me if the veggies I had were for the day or the week. Sir, I am a vegetarian. The end. haha.
Went to Trader Joe's afterward and got some yummieeees.
Simply Lite Low Carb Dark Chocolate (how can such a yummy thing be so low in calories, fat, and carbs? Yummmm.
Luna Bars (cranberry ones are soooo good.)
Natural Peanut Butter (SO much better than all that processed shit. Buy some.)
Organic Tomatoes
Tons of soup (Butternut Squash and Sweet Potato)
Frozen mixed berries
Had the quinoa and soup for dinner. So yummy.
Tomorrow is a 6 AM workout, COFFEE TREE SKINNY LATTE, class, then studying until forev :(. haha. Biochem exam on Thursday.
Starting Thursday, I think I'm going to have a steady work schedule. Lame lame lame. haha. I liked not having to worry about stupid customers and annoying quibbling among workers. I want to find another job, but I don't think any other job is going to be a lax about my hours. Yeah. I like that I get a discount on running shoes, Under Armour, and sports bras...and that I'm on my feet the whole time, so I burn extra calories! haha. I also won't be lolled into idleness.
Well, back to studying...and Steel Magnolias. haha.
PS. Florence + The Machines=best workout music evs. I seriously love her.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentine's Day is a jerk. haha
Yesterday, I ate soooo well. Worked out hard. It was sweet. Theeen, today happened. haha.
I burned a lot of calories yesterday, ate a well-balanced diet (oatmeal for breakfast, soup for lunch, low carb spaghetti and "meat"balls [I'm a vegetarian, so they're soy-city] for dinner, and some veggies and fruit in between), but then I couldn't sleep last night. It was weird. I went to bed at 10, woke up at 12, didn't go back to sleep until like 2, then I woke up again at 3, and I basically didn't get back to sleep. haha. At 3 AM, I had an Atkin's bar, because I was getting hungry. Probably shouldn't have done that. Whoops.
Had a protein bar and some berries before I went to the gym...and a whole wheat cookie. Yeeeah.
Then, I had a GNC Lean Shake afterward and a tomato (for potassium, because my muscles were sore). And an Atkin's bar. WHY are they so good? sldkflkjfd.
Went to La Capella with my grandmother and I had a mushroom sandwich with goat cheese on ciabatta. And zucchini fries. I mean, that's not too bad (could be worse). But, then I came home and had some squares of dark chocolate. It's Valentine's Day. That's my reasoning. haha.
My mother knows I'm on a diet, so she bought me VALENTINE PAJAMAS as a gift. Truly unique of her, I must say. She also told me that we're having Chinese for dinner. Nooooo. haha. Ditching the General Tso's Tofu and opting for steamed vegetables and brown rice. haha. I'll just have a low-carb day tomorrow.
I'm going to be busy most of the day tomorrow anyway, including going to the gym tomorrow morning, so it works out. Yeah.
I need to stop freaking out about food! Gaaaah. I'm not going to gain a pound in a day, unless I'm really ridiculous, and I just have to learn this.
Hope you all have a great Valentine's Day :). Time to get back to Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry. Fuuuuun.
I burned a lot of calories yesterday, ate a well-balanced diet (oatmeal for breakfast, soup for lunch, low carb spaghetti and "meat"balls [I'm a vegetarian, so they're soy-city] for dinner, and some veggies and fruit in between), but then I couldn't sleep last night. It was weird. I went to bed at 10, woke up at 12, didn't go back to sleep until like 2, then I woke up again at 3, and I basically didn't get back to sleep. haha. At 3 AM, I had an Atkin's bar, because I was getting hungry. Probably shouldn't have done that. Whoops.
Had a protein bar and some berries before I went to the gym...and a whole wheat cookie. Yeeeah.
Then, I had a GNC Lean Shake afterward and a tomato (for potassium, because my muscles were sore). And an Atkin's bar. WHY are they so good? sldkflkjfd.
Went to La Capella with my grandmother and I had a mushroom sandwich with goat cheese on ciabatta. And zucchini fries. I mean, that's not too bad (could be worse). But, then I came home and had some squares of dark chocolate. It's Valentine's Day. That's my reasoning. haha.
My mother knows I'm on a diet, so she bought me VALENTINE PAJAMAS as a gift. Truly unique of her, I must say. She also told me that we're having Chinese for dinner. Nooooo. haha. Ditching the General Tso's Tofu and opting for steamed vegetables and brown rice. haha. I'll just have a low-carb day tomorrow.
I'm going to be busy most of the day tomorrow anyway, including going to the gym tomorrow morning, so it works out. Yeah.
I need to stop freaking out about food! Gaaaah. I'm not going to gain a pound in a day, unless I'm really ridiculous, and I just have to learn this.
Hope you all have a great Valentine's Day :). Time to get back to Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry. Fuuuuun.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
I get so happy when I see a new episode of Grey's on Hulu.
Seriously, my life is pathetic. haha
Sooooo, last night I said I was going to only eat eggplant and brussel sprouts...and I also ate a piece of pizza. Yikes.
Felt guilty about this morning (shouldn't have, but oh well). Ate a well-balanced breakfast (Kashi GoLean and berries...and a Simply Fit Chocolate Cookie...THEY ARE ADDICTING. Don't judge.), and headed off to the gym (be glad I didn't indulge in cinnamon rolls my mom made right before I was heading out to the gym. They smelled so good. Rage. haha.) . I was sore and not totally feeling a workout...but, I'm glad I went! Burned 1350 calories :). Did 85 minutes of hardcore cardio (seriously hating hardcore on the total body trainer. GR!), and then 30 minutes of strength training. Was sweating SO MUCH. So gross. haha.
Went to the grocery store afterward...bought some yummy stuff:
Cedarlane egg white omelets (seriously, go buy them. SO YUMMY.)
Grape Tomatoes
Luna Bar (they have a new flavor! Chocolate Chunk.)
Atkin's Bars
Quinoa (so excited to eat it!)
Crystal Light fiber packets (make water so much more satisfying :])
Diet Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate (only 25 cals!)
Dark Chocolate (I might be obsessed.)
Kashi Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies (My Simply Fit ones are almost gone :[)
Cottage Cheese
Frozen mixed berries (eat them in cereal and oatmeal. yum yummmm.)
[Side note: I'm glad that I'm able to slowly incorporate things like chocolate and cookies back into my diet--but healthier options, not the processed stuff. And not freak out about it, like I used to. I still kinda do, but I'm getting better!]
Got a Coffee Tree skinny caramel latte with my mama, got the car washed, and then headed home.
Once I got home, I decided to try on a bunch of clothes...just to see progress. You know. Pictures further down!
Then, I showered, and ate a yummy lunch (Trader Joe's vegetarian chicken nuggets and a bowl of butternut squash soup). Aaaaand that's about it.
Called my grandma today. She's my heart. We decided we're going to be each other's Valentines. Presh, right? haha. We're going to see her next Sunday! So excited.
My mom said that she got me a Valentine's Day present, but it's not edible. So weird. Dunno what it is. Probably a ridiculous shirt she found somewhere. haha.
Time to study/do a bunch of work. Laaaame city.
Church in the AM tomorrow, then gym, theeeen more work! haha. Mama is making me spaghetti tomorrow with my meatless meatballs. So pumped.
Tonight's dinner: Salad with a bunch of veggies (including asparagus and portobello mushrooms). Yum!
Sooooo, last night I said I was going to only eat eggplant and brussel sprouts...and I also ate a piece of pizza. Yikes.
Felt guilty about this morning (shouldn't have, but oh well). Ate a well-balanced breakfast (Kashi GoLean and berries...and a Simply Fit Chocolate Cookie...THEY ARE ADDICTING. Don't judge.), and headed off to the gym (be glad I didn't indulge in cinnamon rolls my mom made right before I was heading out to the gym. They smelled so good. Rage. haha.) . I was sore and not totally feeling a workout...but, I'm glad I went! Burned 1350 calories :). Did 85 minutes of hardcore cardio (seriously hating hardcore on the total body trainer. GR!), and then 30 minutes of strength training. Was sweating SO MUCH. So gross. haha.
Went to the grocery store afterward...bought some yummy stuff:
Cedarlane egg white omelets (seriously, go buy them. SO YUMMY.)
Grape Tomatoes
Luna Bar (they have a new flavor! Chocolate Chunk.)
Atkin's Bars
Quinoa (so excited to eat it!)
Crystal Light fiber packets (make water so much more satisfying :])
Diet Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate (only 25 cals!)
Dark Chocolate (I might be obsessed.)
Kashi Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies (My Simply Fit ones are almost gone :[)
Cottage Cheese
Frozen mixed berries (eat them in cereal and oatmeal. yum yummmm.)
[Side note: I'm glad that I'm able to slowly incorporate things like chocolate and cookies back into my diet--but healthier options, not the processed stuff. And not freak out about it, like I used to. I still kinda do, but I'm getting better!]
Got a Coffee Tree skinny caramel latte with my mama, got the car washed, and then headed home.
Once I got home, I decided to try on a bunch of clothes...just to see progress. You know. Pictures further down!
Then, I showered, and ate a yummy lunch (Trader Joe's vegetarian chicken nuggets and a bowl of butternut squash soup). Aaaaand that's about it.
Called my grandma today. She's my heart. We decided we're going to be each other's Valentines. Presh, right? haha. We're going to see her next Sunday! So excited.
My mom said that she got me a Valentine's Day present, but it's not edible. So weird. Dunno what it is. Probably a ridiculous shirt she found somewhere. haha.
Time to study/do a bunch of work. Laaaame city.
Church in the AM tomorrow, then gym, theeeen more work! haha. Mama is making me spaghetti tomorrow with my meatless meatballs. So pumped.
blue sweater from Gap. So cute.
Slutty shirt from Urban I'll one day have the courage to wear in public. haha. I'll just wear a tank underneath.
LOVE the pattern. From Urban.
Crazy handmade tunic thing. From Urban.
Precious lace cardigan from Gap.
How pretty is the back of this shirt? Urbaaaan.
My "skinny shirt." As in...when I can fit into this without a big muffin top, I'll feel successful. This is my sister's from sophomore year of high school, I think. wooooo.
That Eva dress from Urban I shared a link of the other day. Love it.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros.
Seriously. Listen to them.
Last night's Pens game was AWESOME. Jordan Staal (on my fantasy team, just saying) scores the winning goal with 18.4 seconds left in OT. Had enough time to still catch my regular bus (even though I had to sprint while holding up my pants. Seriously, it's not as easy as it sounds. Especially in single digit weather, thank you). Totally worth it, though :).
Woke up this morning, weighed myself. Same weight as I've been all week, meaning that veggie sub and chips did less to me than I thought. I'm such a lamer. haha.
Breakfast was a Cedarlane Spinach and Egg White Omelet. Dear Lord, go out and buy them. They're not too caloric (I eat them with berries as my breakfast every once in a while). The fat content is a little high, but I don't eat too much fat during the day anyway, so I can spare it. IT IS SO WORTH IT. haha
Had a debate that I was stressing over, but it was no biggie. I've found that with my weight loss comes more overall confidence--I just don't care what people think about me as much. It's a good feeling. Plus, it was 9 in the morning and I was still tired, so I didn't give a funk.
Gym from 11:15-1:45. It was a sweet day, because the gym owner told me that he sees how hard I've been busting my ass and that I look great and to keep it up! That made me want to work out even harder. When I'm at my goal weight (only 15 more pounds MAX!), I'm taking a sledgehammer and destroying every Total Body Trainer in my sight...or, I'll just work on them harder to show that bitch who's boss. Furreal. My arms are starting to get a little too defined (especially in the delts area), but there are still some parts that need worked on--you know, the "lunch lady arm" thing. I'm not trying to look like Jackie Warner here. haha. It's the hardest thing to get rid of, and mine's not that bad anymore, but I still don't like to see it. You know. Men get rid of it so easily. I hate them.
The guy at GNC and I were discussing how protein bars geared toward men are like 300 calories and up, while women's are usually around 200, and he was boasting about how great testosterone is to burn more calories, so they (meaning the male specimen) can consume more. At least I don't have to shave my balls. And I can use my boobs to get free things. I win. PS. Let's go on a date.
Anyway, I drink my GNC Lean Shake (seriously, BUY THEM. Sooooo good.), walk almost 2 miles down to the stupid bus stop, and take the stupid bus BACK to the city, because I want to see my Karina and lunch with her :) (I hope you realize the sacrifices I make for you, Karina. haha). I get the tofu salad with veggies (how can a plain-ish salad be so good?). The people at Moe's look at me weird when I say I want tofu on my salad and no shell, dressing, cheese, or chips. Not everyone is trying to meat and cheese it up, bucco. I miss Moe's Nachos. Karina said that when she's done with her bodybuilding competition, we're going to Moe's at some point and eating their nachos. I would make love to their queso. Haven't had it since September, I think. sdklfjslfkjdf. Moving on.
Get on the bus, get off at the bottom of the hill, and proceed to walk another mile up to my house. I feel like with all this walking I do, I should be -7 pounds. Ludicrous. haha. I get home and there are literally TEN deer in my backyard, grubbin on some poor excuse for grass. I gave them carrots. I'm a sucker. I'm showered and settled now.
No class for two days. NO WORK FOR TWO DAYS. Uuuuuuh, except I have a big Biochemistry exam and a bunch of Organic Chemistry homework and another debate to write. I hate being idle anyway, so this gives me something to do while I watch mindless television (oooh! That reminds me. "Jersey Shore"'s up on now). I used to very rarely watch TV, and I don't really...I just catch up on the internet the next day or two. haha.
I'm also trying to get to Shadyside/East Liberty this weekend. Gotta return some stuff at The Gap (too big :D) and I wanna go shopping at Trader Joe's, dammit. haha. And, naturally, I'm going to the gym, since I rarely get a chance to go on Sundays, because I'm usually working.
So excited to spend time at home this weekend! Catch up on some sleep. Fun times. haha. I can't sleep past 8 AM anymore. I'm usually up at 7 when I don't even have to be. I get up at 5:30 or 6 during the weekdays, and it's not usually that big of a problem...if I don't go to bed too late. Yeah. Gotta work on that. Thank God for coffee.
I'm treating myself to a skinny Coffee Tree caramel latte this weekend, dammit. So. Good. sldkjflkdsjfdlj.
Time for some Biochem and watching the Pens game later! Having eggplant and brussel sprouts for dinner tonight, and it's sad how pumped I am for it. haha.
Picture Time:
My workout garb today. Note that half of my wardrobe (shorts and hoodie) are my sister's. Shhh, don't tell. It's crazy how warm Underarmour Coldgear actually does keep you, for being skimpy tights. And Mizuno running shoes? Heaven for your foot.
PS. I THINK I AM GETTING A PUPPY. Brainstorming names for his cute little ass right now. It's probably going to be named after a Classic Rock figure...and no, I'm not naming him Rod Stewart.
Last night's Pens game was AWESOME. Jordan Staal (on my fantasy team, just saying) scores the winning goal with 18.4 seconds left in OT. Had enough time to still catch my regular bus (even though I had to sprint while holding up my pants. Seriously, it's not as easy as it sounds. Especially in single digit weather, thank you). Totally worth it, though :).
Woke up this morning, weighed myself. Same weight as I've been all week, meaning that veggie sub and chips did less to me than I thought. I'm such a lamer. haha.
Breakfast was a Cedarlane Spinach and Egg White Omelet. Dear Lord, go out and buy them. They're not too caloric (I eat them with berries as my breakfast every once in a while). The fat content is a little high, but I don't eat too much fat during the day anyway, so I can spare it. IT IS SO WORTH IT. haha
Had a debate that I was stressing over, but it was no biggie. I've found that with my weight loss comes more overall confidence--I just don't care what people think about me as much. It's a good feeling. Plus, it was 9 in the morning and I was still tired, so I didn't give a funk.
Gym from 11:15-1:45. It was a sweet day, because the gym owner told me that he sees how hard I've been busting my ass and that I look great and to keep it up! That made me want to work out even harder. When I'm at my goal weight (only 15 more pounds MAX!), I'm taking a sledgehammer and destroying every Total Body Trainer in my sight...or, I'll just work on them harder to show that bitch who's boss. Furreal. My arms are starting to get a little too defined (especially in the delts area), but there are still some parts that need worked on--you know, the "lunch lady arm" thing. I'm not trying to look like Jackie Warner here. haha. It's the hardest thing to get rid of, and mine's not that bad anymore, but I still don't like to see it. You know. Men get rid of it so easily. I hate them.
The guy at GNC and I were discussing how protein bars geared toward men are like 300 calories and up, while women's are usually around 200, and he was boasting about how great testosterone is to burn more calories, so they (meaning the male specimen) can consume more. At least I don't have to shave my balls. And I can use my boobs to get free things. I win. PS. Let's go on a date.
Anyway, I drink my GNC Lean Shake (seriously, BUY THEM. Sooooo good.), walk almost 2 miles down to the stupid bus stop, and take the stupid bus BACK to the city, because I want to see my Karina and lunch with her :) (I hope you realize the sacrifices I make for you, Karina. haha). I get the tofu salad with veggies (how can a plain-ish salad be so good?). The people at Moe's look at me weird when I say I want tofu on my salad and no shell, dressing, cheese, or chips. Not everyone is trying to meat and cheese it up, bucco. I miss Moe's Nachos. Karina said that when she's done with her bodybuilding competition, we're going to Moe's at some point and eating their nachos. I would make love to their queso. Haven't had it since September, I think. sdklfjslfkjdf. Moving on.
Get on the bus, get off at the bottom of the hill, and proceed to walk another mile up to my house. I feel like with all this walking I do, I should be -7 pounds. Ludicrous. haha. I get home and there are literally TEN deer in my backyard, grubbin on some poor excuse for grass. I gave them carrots. I'm a sucker. I'm showered and settled now.
No class for two days. NO WORK FOR TWO DAYS. Uuuuuuh, except I have a big Biochemistry exam and a bunch of Organic Chemistry homework and another debate to write. I hate being idle anyway, so this gives me something to do while I watch mindless television (oooh! That reminds me. "Jersey Shore"'s up on now). I used to very rarely watch TV, and I don't really...I just catch up on the internet the next day or two. haha.
I'm also trying to get to Shadyside/East Liberty this weekend. Gotta return some stuff at The Gap (too big :D) and I wanna go shopping at Trader Joe's, dammit. haha. And, naturally, I'm going to the gym, since I rarely get a chance to go on Sundays, because I'm usually working.
So excited to spend time at home this weekend! Catch up on some sleep. Fun times. haha. I can't sleep past 8 AM anymore. I'm usually up at 7 when I don't even have to be. I get up at 5:30 or 6 during the weekdays, and it's not usually that big of a problem...if I don't go to bed too late. Yeah. Gotta work on that. Thank God for coffee.
I'm treating myself to a skinny Coffee Tree caramel latte this weekend, dammit. So. Good. sldkjflkdsjfdlj.
Time for some Biochem and watching the Pens game later! Having eggplant and brussel sprouts for dinner tonight, and it's sad how pumped I am for it. haha.
Picture Time:
My workout garb today. Note that half of my wardrobe (shorts and hoodie) are my sister's. Shhh, don't tell. It's crazy how warm Underarmour Coldgear actually does keep you, for being skimpy tights. And Mizuno running shoes? Heaven for your foot.
PS. I THINK I AM GETTING A PUPPY. Brainstorming names for his cute little ass right now. It's probably going to be named after a Classic Rock figure...and no, I'm not naming him Rod Stewart.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Been obsessed with them lately. Better than being obsessed with carrot cake. Oh my God, I want carrot cake. slkdfjldjfdslkfj. Eating carrots/celery/peppers right now and watching "I Used to Be Fat." I've become obsessed with weight loss shows/memoirs. "Biggest Loser," "Heavy," you name it...yep. And Jen Lancaster novels.
Had the veggie sub and chips today. Luckily, they read my mind and didn't give me many chips. Thank you :). And my stomach didn't get that "OH MY GOD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?" reaction that it sometimes gets when I eat the not-healthiest foods. It's not the worst thing I could eat...but...I obviously need to eat well the rest of the day. And I've walked most of the day and will walk later on tonight...soooo, yeah. Not worried. More importantly, it was so good to see my friend today. Hadn't seen her since like October. Such a crime :(. We HAVE to hang out more. I'm making it a point to see friends more. So, if you wanna hang out more, lemme know! She said she hardly recognized me, because I look so different. Pretty sweet. We had so much random stuff to talk about, and I loved every minute of it < 333.
I get to have lunch with Karina tomorrow--really excited! And don't worry--I'm eating a tofu salad AND I'm working out tomorrow morning too. haha.
Heading to the Pens game soon! Yaaaay. Bringing an apple and Atkin's bar for dinner. haha.
Sorry for all of the updates, but I'm lame.
Had the veggie sub and chips today. Luckily, they read my mind and didn't give me many chips. Thank you :). And my stomach didn't get that "OH MY GOD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?" reaction that it sometimes gets when I eat the not-healthiest foods. It's not the worst thing I could eat...but...I obviously need to eat well the rest of the day. And I've walked most of the day and will walk later on tonight...soooo, yeah. Not worried. More importantly, it was so good to see my friend today. Hadn't seen her since like October. Such a crime :(. We HAVE to hang out more. I'm making it a point to see friends more. So, if you wanna hang out more, lemme know! She said she hardly recognized me, because I look so different. Pretty sweet. We had so much random stuff to talk about, and I loved every minute of it < 333.
I get to have lunch with Karina tomorrow--really excited! And don't worry--I'm eating a tofu salad AND I'm working out tomorrow morning too. haha.
Heading to the Pens game soon! Yaaaay. Bringing an apple and Atkin's bar for dinner. haha.
Sorry for all of the updates, but I'm lame.
Totally off-tangent, but I'd do Rachael Yamagata, if given the chance...
You know you would too! Half-Asians are ALWAYS good-looking. ALWAYS. haha
Cat Power is another one too:
Wish I could pull off bangs that well, Man
Sooooo, do I have anything absolutely substantial to say? Nope. But, that's my life in a nutshell.
I have been eating almost perfectly for the past week or so, so I'm pretty happy about that. The scale says I'm 154.8 or something, which, I'm hoping, is right! haha. I feel like I miiiight be consuming too few calories, but I dunno.I've also been drinking a lot more water (one of my New Year's Resolutions), and that's helped a lot.
I worked out yesterday, and it went pretty well. At least, my sore arms are telling me that right now :). I thought my hamstrings were going to be a huge problem yesterday, but I tried to stretch them out a decent amount between my workout on Monday and yesterday's workout. I think it worked. They hardly even hurt today!
My jeggings that fit really well a couple weeks ago are falling down a bit :). I don't even know WHAT size I am, because (ironically) sizing is not consistent across the board. I swear Target sizes their stuff smaller than other stores. A few weeks ago, I could easily wear a 12 at Gap and what have you, but I had to wear a 13 in Target jeggings. Jerks. I mean, my 13s are now too big, so it's irrelevant, but stiiiiiill. Does that mean I'm like actually a size 11 or something now? I don't know. haha. All I know is I can wear a medium at Gap and some stuff at Urban, so I'm bragging about it. SORRY. :). I got a dress the other day from Urban...I dunno if it's the outrageous static electricity or what, but my quads look like tree trunks. haha. It was clingy as baaaaalls. But the dress is so cute! I guess I'll have to wear it when it's not as static-y. This is it:
Presh, right? Right
So, I'm going out to eat with a friend today, and she wants to go to Fathead's. If you live in Pittsburgh, you know what Fathead's is. Not one. And I'm not paying $345980 for a salad, when most of that money is for the meat that I DO NOT CONSUME. So, my only option, really, is the veggie sub. A lot of carbs. The sub is served with chips. Yikes. However, the rest of my day will be filled with vegetables/fruit and a protein bar/shake, so I'm trying to kinda compensate. It's her birthday lunch that I'm treating her to, so I'm not even thinking of vetoing--we all gotta make sacrifices. Plus, I've been working my booty off, so whatev.
I hate feeling guilty about eating stuff like this. It'll get better with time, but yeah. If I eat slowly, then I'll probably fill up more quickly and won't eat the whole thing in one sitting. That shiz is so good, though. And I eat like a hoover (totally bad habit). We'll see. I'm not gonna kill myself over it. If I didn't gain any weight over the holidays, I won't gain it over a stupid-ass sub.
I'm also going out to eat to lunch tomorrow with Karina, but I always get a salad with tofu and grilled veggies (thank you, Moe's, for providing vegetarian options), so I'm not even worried about that. haha.
I just realized the other day that I haven't had a pop (not soda) since like, August. Legit. It screws with my stomach, so I don't really miss it. Plus, I have an unhealthy obsession with white teeth, and that just screws it all up. Random.
Speaking of random, I have a crush on the GNC boy by my place of occupation. He asks me about these shakes that he recommended that I bought the other day (PS. Buy GNC's Lean Shakes. So. Freaking. Good.) and we went on a 3-minute tangent about calcium supplements, where he basically teased me the entire time. And he tries to always give me the best deal. And he smiles. And it's cute. And that's that. haha.
Started eating Atkin's bars. Only the PB Granola one, though--the other ones...holy saturated/total fat content, Batman. I know fat isn't a worry in the Atkin's diet, but Jesus...for one bar to have over 10 grams of fat and like 5 grams of saturated fat? I don't think so--that's almost like a candy bar! I feel like I eat too many carbs (which is hindering the tail end of my weight loss), so I'm trying to cut down, y'know what I mean? Yeah.
So, I think that's it for now. Gotta work on some Organic Chemistry stuff.
E-mailed my mother, asking for the cookies and dark chocolate for Valentine's Day. I'm such a hoot. Really.
Pens game later tonight too! Pretty pumped about that. I smuggle in my last meal of the night every game I go to. They don't check your boobs, I've realized this. Apple + Atkin's bar stowage. haha.
Listen to Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. Do yourself a favor. Oh, and Cat Power and Rachael Yamagata. You won't be sorry < 3.
Random picture of me today: Cute shirt from Urban! My sister said that cinch shirts make you look bigger sometimes. All I know is that when I reach my hands up, my pants fall and you can see my grey skivvies.
Cat Power is another one too:
Wish I could pull off bangs that well, Man
Sooooo, do I have anything absolutely substantial to say? Nope. But, that's my life in a nutshell.
I have been eating almost perfectly for the past week or so, so I'm pretty happy about that. The scale says I'm 154.8 or something, which, I'm hoping, is right! haha. I feel like I miiiight be consuming too few calories, but I dunno.I've also been drinking a lot more water (one of my New Year's Resolutions), and that's helped a lot.
I worked out yesterday, and it went pretty well. At least, my sore arms are telling me that right now :). I thought my hamstrings were going to be a huge problem yesterday, but I tried to stretch them out a decent amount between my workout on Monday and yesterday's workout. I think it worked. They hardly even hurt today!
My jeggings that fit really well a couple weeks ago are falling down a bit :). I don't even know WHAT size I am, because (ironically) sizing is not consistent across the board. I swear Target sizes their stuff smaller than other stores. A few weeks ago, I could easily wear a 12 at Gap and what have you, but I had to wear a 13 in Target jeggings. Jerks. I mean, my 13s are now too big, so it's irrelevant, but stiiiiiill. Does that mean I'm like actually a size 11 or something now? I don't know. haha. All I know is I can wear a medium at Gap and some stuff at Urban, so I'm bragging about it. SORRY. :). I got a dress the other day from Urban...I dunno if it's the outrageous static electricity or what, but my quads look like tree trunks. haha. It was clingy as baaaaalls. But the dress is so cute! I guess I'll have to wear it when it's not as static-y. This is it:
Presh, right? Right
So, I'm going out to eat with a friend today, and she wants to go to Fathead's. If you live in Pittsburgh, you know what Fathead's is. Not one. And I'm not paying $345980 for a salad, when most of that money is for the meat that I DO NOT CONSUME. So, my only option, really, is the veggie sub. A lot of carbs. The sub is served with chips. Yikes. However, the rest of my day will be filled with vegetables/fruit and a protein bar/shake, so I'm trying to kinda compensate. It's her birthday lunch that I'm treating her to, so I'm not even thinking of vetoing--we all gotta make sacrifices. Plus, I've been working my booty off, so whatev.
I hate feeling guilty about eating stuff like this. It'll get better with time, but yeah. If I eat slowly, then I'll probably fill up more quickly and won't eat the whole thing in one sitting. That shiz is so good, though. And I eat like a hoover (totally bad habit). We'll see. I'm not gonna kill myself over it. If I didn't gain any weight over the holidays, I won't gain it over a stupid-ass sub.
I'm also going out to eat to lunch tomorrow with Karina, but I always get a salad with tofu and grilled veggies (thank you, Moe's, for providing vegetarian options), so I'm not even worried about that. haha.
I just realized the other day that I haven't had a pop (not soda) since like, August. Legit. It screws with my stomach, so I don't really miss it. Plus, I have an unhealthy obsession with white teeth, and that just screws it all up. Random.
Speaking of random, I have a crush on the GNC boy by my place of occupation. He asks me about these shakes that he recommended that I bought the other day (PS. Buy GNC's Lean Shakes. So. Freaking. Good.) and we went on a 3-minute tangent about calcium supplements, where he basically teased me the entire time. And he tries to always give me the best deal. And he smiles. And it's cute. And that's that. haha.
Started eating Atkin's bars. Only the PB Granola one, though--the other ones...holy saturated/total fat content, Batman. I know fat isn't a worry in the Atkin's diet, but Jesus...for one bar to have over 10 grams of fat and like 5 grams of saturated fat? I don't think so--that's almost like a candy bar! I feel like I eat too many carbs (which is hindering the tail end of my weight loss), so I'm trying to cut down, y'know what I mean? Yeah.
So, I think that's it for now. Gotta work on some Organic Chemistry stuff.
E-mailed my mother, asking for the cookies and dark chocolate for Valentine's Day. I'm such a hoot. Really.
Pens game later tonight too! Pretty pumped about that. I smuggle in my last meal of the night every game I go to. They don't check your boobs, I've realized this. Apple + Atkin's bar stowage. haha.
Listen to Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. Do yourself a favor. Oh, and Cat Power and Rachael Yamagata. You won't be sorry < 3.
Random picture of me today: Cute shirt from Urban! My sister said that cinch shirts make you look bigger sometimes. All I know is that when I reach my hands up, my pants fall and you can see my grey skivvies.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Why have I been so tired these past few days? I think it has to do with the fact that I have been eating fewer calories lately and I'm hungry when I go to bed, and I can't freaking wait to eat breakfast in the morning. I am a sad, sad creature. haha. However, the number on the in LOVE with it. I'm seriously only 10-15 pounds from my goal. I remember when I thought that number was unattainable. Unreal.
Valentine's Day is on Monday. My mom is a precious lady and always buys me chocolates or something. I hope she buys me Simply Lite dark chocolate with almonds and Simply Fit Choco Chip cookies this year. hahaha. Or this man:
Don't care that he may or may not like men--we can at least hold hands and laugh.
Speaking of, watching the episode of "Biggest Loser" that I missed last night. I really dislike Arthur, and I REALLY love the Purple Team. Precious to the max. That show really motivates me.
Coffeeeeeeee (sugar free creamer city). And Gas Chromatography Time.
Valentine's Day is on Monday. My mom is a precious lady and always buys me chocolates or something. I hope she buys me Simply Lite dark chocolate with almonds and Simply Fit Choco Chip cookies this year. hahaha. Or this man:
Don't care that he may or may not like men--we can at least hold hands and laugh.
Speaking of, watching the episode of "Biggest Loser" that I missed last night. I really dislike Arthur, and I REALLY love the Purple Team. Precious to the max. That show really motivates me.
Coffeeeeeeee (sugar free creamer city). And Gas Chromatography Time.
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